Part 5

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Kim Rok Soo was suspicious.

Choi Jung Soo had rushed out of the training hall with a nearly incomprehensible excuse about fifteen minutes ago and Kim Rok Soo was seriously running out of stamina.

He'd been assigned some very basic strength training and stretches in order to prepare for the fun 'day' ahead. It wasn't that he was completely out of shape, but he definitely wasn't the sort of person who did this sort of thing regularly.

Honestly, under any other circumstances he would have begun shirking the training the second Choi Jung Soo had left.

But now, sit ups and pushups and toe touching was the only thing that was protecting him from actually talking to Choi Han.

Choi Han who was still staring at him. It was actually a bit scary now, because now that Choi Han had begun his own exercise, it was glaringly apparent that the man could probably snap him in half if he put his mind to it.

Or other sorts of creative and fun activities but Kim Rok Soo was putting his mind to ignoring those possibilities at all costs. He wasn't looking at Choi Han and he was doing his very best to focus on his training regime.

He just needed to last until Choi Jung So returned from whatever he was off doing.

He could do this. He wasn't that out of shape, was he? He'd never really struggled in gym class and Choi Jung Soo hadn't asked him to do anything excessive.

...he really was that out of shape. He hadn't had a 'gym class' since high school and he never chose exercise if he could avoid it.

Oh, how he regretted that now.

It wasn't like he could speed through the routine or pretend to finish either. Choi Jung Soo had made it clear that if Kim Rok Soo finished, he ought to ask 'Han Hyung' for the next step.

...he could think of quite a bit of 'exercise' he'd like to do with 'Han Hyung'...

Kim Rok Soo scowled, shoving that thought far down to the furthest dredges of his thoughts where it belonged. Objectifying Choi Jung Soo's uncle was not a good way to make the time pass faster.

Speaking of the amount of time. Where the fuck was Choi Jung Soo? Had the man learned of his crimes and decided that this was the most appropriate way to punish him? Torturous exercise in a room alone with the object of his thoughts?

If that was Choi Jung Soo's goal, he had to admit, it was a pretty solid plan for revenge.

"...are you okay?"

Kim Rok Soo nearly jumped out of his skin, exhausted arms hoisting him up and dropping him down in his fright. It was a bad time to be attempting pull ups.

Choi Han caught him deftly, lowering him to the ground and looking him over with such honest concern that it really made him feel bad that he'd been ignoring Choi Han this entire time.

"...I'm okay." Kim Rok Soo replied, a bit short on breath and looking anywhere but Choi Han as he disentangled himself from his arms.

Choi Han let him go with ease, a slight frown maring his handsome features as he took in how shaky Kim Rok Soo's legs were beneath him.

He'd been over-doing it. Both Choi Jung Soo and himself had let Kim Rok Soo know that he should tap out if it became too much. The pair were used to a far more intensive exercise regime and they understood that this would only be fun for Kim Rok Soo if he didn't hurt himself in the process.

"Take a break." Choi Han ordered shortly, leaving no room for argument as he began to guide Kim Rok Soo over to the seating area. Choi Han was an experienced sword instructor and he wasn't about to let whatever it was between him and Kim Rok Soo cloud his thoughts or decisions.

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