Yusei Fudo

112 7 11

Requested by musicgirl988

Yusei is an iPhone user and has to get a new one at least every year because he drops it so often
He also has run over his phone with his motorcycle at least twice
He taught himself how to fix up motorcycles and can actually work on cars if need be
Despite never having dueled Yugi, he jokes that he could beat him, especially after Bonds Beyond Time
He uses she pronouns to refer to his motorcycle
Crow jokingly called the motorcycle "Red Plague of Love" once and it has stuck with the crew
He helps Akiza dye and cut her hair
He also cuts his own hair
He's basically the team barber
One time he effed up Jack's hair though and Jack didn't speak to him for week
Yusei learned to read by reading car manuals and card descriptions
During Arc-V, his general location was "inside a card"
He's afraid of the dark and deep water
Other than that, his worst fear is being alone
He has looked for both Yugi and Judai in his own timeline on more than one occasion to absolutely zero success
His regular breakfast order is cereal
He pours the cereal before the milk because he's not an idiot
"Jack what do you think you're doing"
"This is the best way to do it!"
"Over my dead body!"
He didn't speak to Jack for two days
Sometimes he has nightmares about getting his mark and he wakes up to pain
Yusei gives fantastic hugs, but has the unfortunate combination of hating physical contact and being touch-starved
He will not respond to being called a crab
"Oi, crab hair!"
"Crab hair, talk to me."
"Sorry, Crow, were you saying something?"

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