Yugi Muto

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For darkwindsorceress12

Yugi used to gel up his hair but ever since he completed the millennium puzzle it just does that now

He will not eat a sandwich if it has been cut into more than two pieces

Sometimes when he misses Atem, he will take off his jacket and wear it like his partner used to

Yugi will not ever go near a spider

"Chill, Yugi."

That being said if someone kills a bug in the house he cries

He cares about lots of little animals that visit the game shop and has established a trading ring with the local crows

The only time he's ever thrown a punch was when some kid snapped at Joey/Jou

He broke his finger and had to hold off on dueling for a couple of weeks

"Stop gloating, Kaiba."

He is the only one who truly tolerates Kaiba

He and Kaiba still hang out and joke around a little, they're better friends now that Kaiba isn't trying to constantly undermine Yugi

Yugi loves ice cream with pistachios on it

He dyes his own hair

When he was little he had a stuffed bear named Ham

He still has it

Yugi adopts a cat when he moves out and sends a picture of it to Pegasus to get him to make a card out of it

(See: Rescue Cat)

That card is permanently in his pocket now even if he has to leave home

The cat warmed up to Kaiba faster than it did to Yugi, though, which annoys Yugi to no end

"She does love me"
"Loves me more"

When he can't sleep he imagines he's back in the puzzle with Atem

He sometimes can't imagine spending the rest of his life without Atem.

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