Johan Andersen/Jesse Anderson

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He was home-duel-schooled until he was 16, which means he was not at North Academy when Chazz/Jun was there
"I would've beaten you to pieces!"
"Fat chance, Andersen."
He eats pizza crust-first because it's the blandest part and he prefers the cheesy goodness
"It's a palate cleanser!"
"Do you know what any of those words mean, J?"
His favorite kind of pizza is cheese with mushrooms (Judai picks off the mushrooms when he thinks Johan isn't looking)
He a little *flips hand downward*
(A little? Boy he's gayer than rainbows in June)
Also: trans boy
Duels in a binder around Judai exactly once and then Judai buys him tape
"Stg Johan that's not healthy"
"I'm fine"
Actually has minor rib damage
Can stand both temperature extremes
"So cold"
"Want my shirt?"
"You're only wearing a shirt?"
All pastels except for when he wears black
He's never heard of the color red
Can wing eyeliner on the first try which Fubuki relies on him for
Will not tie his shoes EVER
"johan your shoe is untied"
"They're slip ons"
They are not in fact slip ons
A moment of silence for anyone's hair that he tries to style
Makeup? Yes. Hair? No.
He does not dye his own hair either- that's up to Fubuki
Side note: he and Fubuki have the purest friendship outside of Johan/Judai and Johan/Jim
Name one boy at Academia that hasn't had a crush on Johan I dare you (you can't)
(But Johan only has eyes for Judai)

Next is the one and only rich asshat, Seto Kaiba! Leave a request in the comments!

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