Chapter Five

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Dimitri's POV

"Are you having fun dear?" Mrs. Gooden asks.

I give her a smile I am at their house at their annual fund raiser that they do every year for various charities. My family has been close with them for years we do a lot of business together and vacation together they are really nice people.

Not many people who have the kinds of funds or connections that we do are still human but they are they are really nice and so are is there daughter. It's very rarely that you meet an heiress that's not a total brat but genuinely nice she goes out of her way to help people and is very down to earth.

Don't get me wrong she has her habits like anyone shopping and her social media but she also has passion and not for big things or dumb things. She has passions for simple things like her art and her love of trying new things and new experiences.

I can't even count how many countries she has been to since leaving college not to mention while she was in college she is a free spirt and I am lucky to have her as a friend. I know people might be looking at us and thinking something more but we know better we are just friends.

I have already been through enough this year and I would never ruin what both our families have built over the years for a fling. Don't get me wrong she is a lovely girl but she is just that a girl I need a woman in my life.

I stand and make small talk with some business men before they turned their attention to something behind me. I turn around wondering who could be walking in that is drawing so much attention and everything in me stops when I see who it is.

Estella. Now I'm not going to pretend that I am not a man and I don't see how sexy she is but there is just something about seeing her all dressed up like this that just...I standing taking her in the dress that she is wearing sits on her perfectly outlining her curves.

It has a massive split in the front showing off her breast but not too much to look slutty her hair is braided to the side with silver flowers she looks stunning as always. I stand taking her in with everyone else before some guy walks up to her hugging her and something in me feels uneasy.

I don't know why but the idea of her with a guy does not sit well with me and it's not what you think I don't have a thing for her. Estella is like a little sister to me she is the same age as my little sister and the idea of either of getting hurt by some prick makes me angry.

I try to protect them as much as I can especially now that my sister is half way across the world doing her doctorate in psychology I can't protect her but I will protect Estella. I watch as she makes her way around the room meeting and greeting people being the perfect social butterfly, she is very good at that.

I watch her for a few more minutes before getting back to my meet and greets the night drags on and I am beat I look around for Estella but I don't see her. I take out my phone to text her when I spot her heading for the exit; I follow behind her and to her parents house.

"Ms. Estella Gooden?" a male voice says as I enter the living room.

"How can I help you gentlemen?" Estella asks.

I watch as the guy hands her something to her and she signs for it the guy nods leaving Estella stands staring at something but I can't see what. I step out and I see a briefcase sitting in the chair she turns looking at me golden amber eyes taking me in and I relax.

"Early Christmas present?" I ask and she looks back at it.

"Something like that" she says softly.

"Aren't you going to open it?"

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