Chapter Thirteen

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He's late. I look down at my phone for the tenth time checking the time and it's almost ten Dimitri is three hours late for our date another promise broken. I have tried calling him but it just keeps going straight to voicemail I have been a nervous wreck about this dinner all week wondering what would be the outcome and now...

Every time I think things might move forward and we can finally get some where he disappears are go cold on me; I am trying to be understanding and give him the benefit of the doubt considering all he has been through. But I am at my wits end with everything I have been the only one putting in effort and making changes in my life to make this work because of how I feel and I am getting tired of it.

I know that love comes with sacrifices and pain but I feel like I have been the only one giving in this relationship making changes for him with nothing in return. And not that his ex is back in the picture things are getting even more complicated and I just keep getting hurt.

I look around the dining table at the dinner that I made for us it's ice cold now I put my phone done clearing up the table putting the food away. Just as I finished cleaning up the kitchen my phone rings, I look down at it to see that its Bexs she's been MIA all week and I really need her.

"I am so sorry I missed all your calls my phone got stolen in Iceland" she rants off.

I walk into the living room sitting down just listening to her before she stops taking me in.

"What's wrong I know that face?" she says and I sigh.

"What isn't wrong" I say thinking about everything that has happened.

"Stell?" Bexs calls pulling me back to her. "What's going on talk to me?"

I take a breath. "Dimitri's ex is in town and ex who I found out on the day we were going official with our relationship and he left me for days to deal with" I tell her.

"What? Have you talked to him see him anything?" she asks I shake my head telling her no. "He is a total prick"

"And it gets worse he promised me that we would have dinner tonight and talk that was three hours ago" I sigh. "I just don't know anymore"

"I think you need a break sweetie" she tells me and I smile.

"I would love to but I promised my mom I'd do all these functions and lunches and I can't back out now" I say.

"Well, it's only for a few more weeks then your off to France for your final fitting and then your birthday and we can jet set where ever you want"

I smile. "What about your line when are launching it?" I ask and she blushes.

"It's a month after your birthday I wanted us to have some time to catch up and just hang out before we take on the world of work our way" she says and I smile.

She is right I need to focus on my life and my business I need to put my plans into place and get my life in order before taking on Dimitri. Bexs and I stayed up all night making plans for our trip and business before she fell asleep.

I spend hours working out my business setting up accounts and drawing up my contracts sending them to my team I need to get a relator for my business and personal. I have been thinking a lot about buying a house and putting down roots.

I just need to start putting my plans into motion and stop having doubts.

"You have been a busy bee princess" My dad says.

It's been a few days since I started sending out fielders for my business and getting feedback on it and people are really reaching out to me. Today my dad asked me to stop by his office he wanted to talk to me about something; I look up at him and he has his proud smile on his face.

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