Chapter Eleven

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Tired I am tired. It has been a busy week I forgot how many parties, fund raisers and balls this town hosts every year and how many of them I actually agree to. To night is our annual black and white ball anyone who is anyone is going to be here and I am no exception.

I spent the whole day with my mom and Mrs. McAlister getting ready for this party we did the spa and getting our dresses fitted it has been a day and now I'm going to have to play nice all night with high society people.

I had asked my mom if I could skip it but she said no she told me the entire family was going except Mitchell who of course got called away on business which as a man cannot be avoided while I on the other hand I have to put on a dress and smile.

I didn't want to draw too much attention to myself tonight so I went with a simple dress it's a long white dress that sits on me perfectly holding my curves just right. The back is completely bare leaving my skin out for the world to see; it has a massive split on the lift running all the way up to my thigh.

I did my hair in a low messy bun with a few strands hanging on the front my make up flawless as always. I take some pictures of my outfit posting them on my page before heading out I send a text to Dimitri asking how he's doing. He's been away on business in Italy for a few weeks and I have missed him terrible.

If it wasn't for all these parties and lunches I would be with him right now I look up as we get to the venue where the ball is at and there is a lot of press and people out. I take a deep breath getting out of the car a big smile on my face as I make my way inside the photographers falling all over me.

I walk up to my parents and my mom gives me a hug then my dad we stand and take some photos before heading inside. The black and white ball is an elegant affaire and drags out a lot of people it gives us all a change to mingle and make new circles.

But for me it's just another night and I really want it to be over; my mom and I go around the room she introduces me to a few people and they are all like always impressed with me. My red hair and golden amber eyes have always caught people's attention.

"Oh, and here she is now" Mrs. McAlister says as we near her.

She is standing with a couple I have never seen before they both gasp when they see me and I smile Mrs. McAlister introduces me to them and they are visiting from Spain with their son who is here on business. Before my mind can wonder warm hands touched my lower back and my breathing caught in my throat.

"What did I tell you a true beauty?" his thick voice rings through my ear.

I look over at him his dark brown eyes taking me in with so much of everything his face still the same every muscle is still the same he hasn't changed a bit then again it's only been a few months.

"Is this the guy?" My mom asks making me look at her and she is regarding us.

I don't want to worry her or worse let her get the idea in her head that there is something between us and then letting it get back to Dimitri.

"No, it's not" I tell her before he could. "We met when I was in Spain with Bexs on our travels" she nods looking at us. "Um...excuse me I need a drink"

I excuse myself from them heading for the bar I need to get away from this man I look behind me to see if they were watching and they were not. I take out my phone finding Bexs's number as I head out back before the call could connect strong arms wrapped around me and another takes the phone from my ear.

"Don't want to ruin the fun just yet my love" he tells me.

I pull out of his hold putting space between us I can't believe he is here he has some nerves showing his face here after what he did. I stand taking him in and he looks the same tall rugged figure wash board abs and thick chocolate.

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