Chapter Fifteen

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And done. I just finished setting up my new phone with my new number it has been a busy few days after my encounter with Dimitri I want home and cried like really cried. I knew how bad it hurt once I let it in allowing myself to feel all the hurt and pain of losing Dimitri.

Loving someone is hard giving your all to someone and not having them return it hell even choosing someone else over you over and over again is the worse but I won't let this stop me from living my life and doing what I want.

Yes, it will affect me and I will be changed because of it but I think it's a change for the better I have spent so many years waiting for something to happen for us to get a chance for him to notice me. And I thought he finally did but I was wrong he was just using me and that is something even worse.

But if life has taught me anything is that everything is a lesson and our experiences are what mold us and I will not let this break me I am letting it build me. I have a few loose ends to tie up before my birthday and I need everything to work before I leave.

I put my phone down hopping in the shower I am meeting with my mother and my realtor to go and see some houses. I want to see my house and settle on it before I leave, I met with my interior designer a few days ago and we have all my selections for every room in the house.

My mother is also on board with everything and is excited about decorating the house I really can't wait to see what she does with it. I finish my shower getting dress I wanted to keep my look simple I am saving all my energy for dressing up for my birthday I just want to enjoy being simple right now.

I finish getting ready braiding my hair to the side I grab my bag and some files heading out; I shake my head as I enter my living room it is over run with gifts; I have been getting them all week. I grab my jacket by the door before heading out I get to my parking lot getting in my car driving off.

I pull up outside the restaurant getting out giving the valet the keys I walk inside looking around for my mother I spot her siting with the realtor. I walk over to them my stands hugging me and I hug her back relaxing.

"How are you feeling honey?" My mom asks as we eat.

"Tired" I tell her. "It's been a busy week"

"I know your dad tells me you've been having a lot of meetings?" she says.

"Yes. I have been meeting with a few investors and getting my house in order" I say taking a sip of my drink. "Which is why we are here so that we can go look at houses and everything"

"I can't believe my little girl is growing up" my mom takes my hand and I smile.

It will be hard for us this adjustment but I know we can do this I know it will be hard but it will work out. We sit and look at houses and make notes of the ones we like before heading out I really hope we find something today this is this only time I have for this.

My mom and I go through a few houses before we got to the last one it was up in the hills far from the city. It's quite up here away from everything I can still see the city but not hear it the house is a two story with seven beds and eight baths.

It has two studies a tv room and much more it's light an open with a lot of glass and tress around it's very much me. We go out back and I have a big backyard with a big swimming pool just like I wanted. This house is perfect for me in every way.

"It's perfect" I say and my realtor smiles. "And how long of an escrow will the old owners need?"

"They are leaving that up to you" she tells me and I look at my mom.

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