Chapter Nine

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"Are you still in Paris?" Bexs asks.

I flip the camera showing her the Eiffel tower it's late in the evening and I am heading to the concert that Palo invited me to I didn't know what the scene was and I didn't want to be too overdressed so I decided to go with a two-piece skirt suit.

The skirt ends just below my knees it has a split on one side going up to my thigh it has a cute little strapless top and a nice jeans jacket. I left my hair braided to the side with flowers in it light make up and boots it's grass so no heels.

Bexs and I talk about her trip and how inspired she is from her trip and me from mine she is telling me how viral my live was last night. I completely forgot about that a small part of me is anticipating Dimitri's reaction to all of this he was pretty mad about me not telling him I was leaving I can't imagine what his reaction to this will be like.

"Fire you made it" Palo comes to me giving me a hug and I relax.

I look around and a few people are here the band is setting up I take some pictures of the set up posting them. The band starts to play and it's light and relaxing really romantic especially in this city I take a video of the band.

I really wish Dimitri was here having his arms around me holding me while we listen to this music it would be so romantic. I sometimes wonder if he is a romantic person he's simple I know that but I wonder if he is romantic too. I stand just listening to the music before I felt strong arms wrap around my middle.

I look around to find Dimitri standing behind me golden-brown eyes unreadable I don't know what to do if I should kiss him or act like he isn't here I don't know I'm just happy he's here. I turn in his hold giving him a long deep kiss I don't care if he's mad at me or not I'm just happy he is here.

We pull back breathless his head resting on mine as I stroke his cheek feeling his stubbles and it feels good. I pull back looking at him and he sighs shaking his head.

"What am I going to do with you?" he asks and I bite my lip.

"I can think of a few things" I say and he kisses me again.

"So can I but I'm still angry with you" he tells me and I sigh pulling away from him.

"I am not doing this here" I tell him turning back to the music.

"Okay" he wraps his arms around me kissing my head.

We stayed and enjoyed the music it was light and perfect I take a few pictures of us not for posting just for me. After the concert we headed back to his hotel I remove my jacket putting it in a chair in the living room of the suite.

I walk out to the balcony taking in the view and his view is better than mine he could see the whole city including the tower. It's beautiful I stand taking it in drinking in the night air before strong arms rest on my waist Dimitri lowers his head to my shoulder kissing it lightly and I relax.

"I don't want to fight" I say.

He wraps his arms around me burying his head in my neck kissing me there.

"I know" he whispers.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving I didn't do it hurt you I just..." Dimitri turn me around to him kissing me silencing me.

"You don't need to explain yourself to me or apologize you have your own life and I understand I just didn't like the idea of not seeing you everyday" he tells me and my heart melts.

This has got to be a dream having him standing here and saying all these things to me in Paris of all places is better than any dream that I could have dreamed up in my head and I am beyond happy. I wrap my arms around him kissing him deeply Dimitri pulls me closer to him and I feel his body on mine.

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