2. What are we doing?

6 4 0

They leave and go back to the club. Hera and Hermes go to the dance floor and Hera starts dancing with Hermes.

Hermes - what are we doing?

Hera - just having fun

Hermes then kisses Hera's neck and turns her around so he can be face-to-face with her. Hermes continues to kiss Hera's neck and then starts to grab her butt. Hera begins to moan and then Hermes stops and takes her behind the club and starts to kiss her rapidly. The night ends with Hera and Hermes going to the park and continuing the party.

Hermes - so how long have you been the QUEEN?

Hera - I have been the "QUEEN" for 5 years so since I was 12

Hermes - so did you ever have a childhood?

Hera - so like with my parents being there for me?

Hermes - yeah

Hera - no I had to raise myself and my little sister she was 1 month old at the time so I had to take responsibility at a very young age

Hermes - that doesn't answer my question.

Hera - because of Olympia I had to step up more . . . ya see before me the "QUEEN" chose the next heir to have her throne and since she didn't have any children she chose me and she was the first lady to ever choose someone who had no access to the throne

Hermes - so why did she choose you?

Hera - she told me on her last breath that I could change things for the good and that I remind her of the strong, confident, and independent woman she was. . . . "We need change and we need someone like you, Hera Washington'' she said

Hermes - did you want it?

Hera - nope . . . but now I do because my sister deserves the world and that's what she's gonna get

Hermes - *laughs* you know what's funny it's that you are so Upper East Side but yet you grew up in the Southside

When she heard these words she took out her phone and called Morgan Torres (her right hand) and told her to meet her at the tattoo shop and bring Jenny, and the rest of the inner circle.

Hera - let's go

Hermes- where are we going?

Hera - to handle business

Hera got up and reached out her hand so Hermes could take it and go handle "business". Hermes was hesitant at first then he got up and took Hera's hand. They go to the tattoo shop and walk inside. At first, Hermes was confused as to why they were there so late at night but then he heard screams coming from downstairs. Hera and Hermes walk into the basement and see Jenny brushed up and covered in blood. Hermes wanted to check on Jenny but Hera took out her gun and started laughing.

Hera - hello JENNY *laughs* did you think I wouldn't find out?

Jenny - *breathing heavily * no . . . I thought -

Hera - "thought" What? That I'm stupid, that I'm that bitch who doesn't care *laughs* well tonight your gonna know how it feels to be betrayed by a person in your group

Jenny - No, Hera, please

Gunshot to the wall

Hera - shut up, you do not get to speak to me, WE ARE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE YOU LOST THE PRIVILEGE TO CALL ME "FRIEND"

Hera walked over to Jenny and was gonna punch Jenny's face. When Jenny got a call from none other than COLE.

Hera - now tell me why is Cole still calling you.

Jenny - I . . . I don't know

Cole's voicemail :

Cole - hey it's me, I'm just checking in on our appointment with the pregnancy doctor, so uh call me back *hangs up*

Hera - your PREGNANT?

Jenny - *cries* maybe

Hera - Addison gets the marked stamp, labeled P.S.P

Jenny - NO

Hera - hey it's not our fault, once you get pregnant by someone's man, especially by the Queen's man then you get labeled as Pregnant. SwitchBlade. Property

Jenny - so that's how it is . . . one of us betrays you and you mark us, I was in your inner circle -

Hera - but that's where you're wrong, you were a trainee, not an inner circle girl yet just a trainee and nothing more, you think Morgan got in my inner circle just because we were long-time best friends . . . NO she had to earn her nickname and the inner circle

Morgan - they don't call me "CUTTER" for nothing !!!!

Jenny - and we don't call you "QUEEN OF BLOOD" for nothing either

Hera - I earned that name I earned the honor of being QUEEN no one gets in for free!!

Jenny - what about him? He's not a switchblade, he's an Upper East Side kid, so why are you with him? What are you doing with Hermes Emerson?

Hermes - I'm going to be King of a switchblade, all I have to do is this one little thing !!

Hera looks at Hermes in shock because she is really surprised he would try something like that.

Hera - Morgan? Mark NOW !!

Hera then grabs Hermes' arm and she is so angry at what he had said.

Hera - *whispers* Are you wanting a death wish?

Hermes - *whispers* What are you talking about?

Hera - "I'm going to be king" That means you are coming for my crown, look there has never been a King of the switchblades but there has been a queen and king for it

Hermes - great

Hera - Hermes, you don't get it you can't come in and out of a gang, you either in or out this isn't a phase, it's for life

Hermes - I... I-

Hera - exactly, this isn't a game, this is real life ok, this is my life so don't try anything like this again

Hermes - can I ask you something?

Hera - what?

Hermes - how come you always wear black, the same black leather jacket, the same red lip, and your black hair up in a tight ponytail?

Hera - QUEEN means fear in others' eyes this look is what fears people so I keep it the same and besides I love it so why change it

Hermes smiles then goes up to Hera and kisses her. He puts his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to him. Hera puts her arms around Hermes' neck. The girls watched this go down as they waited for Hera to give Morgan the "to go" signal.

Morgan - Hera?

Hera stops kissing Hermes and turns around Hermes still with his arms around Hera's waist and starts to kiss her neck.

Hera - Morgan, mark her *smiles*

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