9. Now or Never

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Morning at the Steele's house :

6:30 :

Hera got up and started to make coffee, and breakfast for Olympia's, and Athena's lunch.

7:00 :

Hera was finished getting ready and she went to wake up Olympia so she could get ready. Hera wore a gray long sleeve and a black and white striped skirt with black heel boots.

7:30 :

Olympia was done getting ready for school and she went to get Athena ready. Athena and Olympia had gone to the same school and it was a Catholic school. Hera wanted her sister and daughter to go to a church school so they wouldn't make the same mistakes she did. The girls got ready they walked outside and Hera grabbed her light pink handbag and coffee cup and then walked outside. Hera's hair was blowing in the air due to the wind. Hera was trying to find the keys in her purse but couldn't find them.

8:15 :

Hermes - I thought we were leaving?

Olympia - Athena check this out you're gonna watch an episode of Hoarders *laughs*

Hera - excuse me, I'm starting to become more organized, I may be the Gangster Queen but I still need to be human

Hermes - aren't the keys in your hand

Olympia - told you it was a great episode !!!

Hera - whatever just everyone in the car now was running late

Everyone got into the car and went to school. Hera parked in the teacher's parking lot and she wasn't supposed to but she didn't care. When they parked Hera got off wearing her black sunglasses and her bag on her arm. for a minute, Hera didn't look like the "Gangster Queen" she looked like a citizen of society. They walk into the office and passes that allow them to be on school grounds then they go to Athena's classroom.

Mrs . Jenkins - hello Mr. Emerson and Mrs . Washington

Hera - good morning, we're ready to help out Mrs. Jenkins

Mrs . Jenkins - oh please call me Mia, uh you can put your stuff over there and we should be getting started soon

Mrs Jenkins walks away to help a kid put their backpack into their cubby-hole and then says hi to the parents. Hera and Hermes walked away and put down their belongings.

Hermes - I've never seen you so polite !!

Hera - when it comes to Athena, I'm willing to do anything for her

Hermes - that is so nice

Bell rings :

Mrs . Jenkins - ok, students let's start doing rotations

Hera - were up

Hermes - it's gonna be fine, as long as we don't swear *laugh*

Hera - they're not going to ask us to come back to watch

Hermes - yeah probably not *laughs*

Hermes and Hera then walk over to the students and start helping them out with whatever they need. The entire day Hermes and Hera were at school helping the kindergartners and having an amazing time together. Oftentimes Hermes would look at Hera and he would remember all the time she and him would joke around and be in each other's arms. The day ended on a good note but the girls wanted to go have some fun somewhere.

Olympia - Hera can we go have some fun ?

Hera - I know a place we could go to have some fun *smiles*

After school the four of them went to Six Flags and had a blast, by the time they left it was going to be 6:30 pm and Olympia and Athena slept the entire car ride home.

Hera - do you want to grab a bite after we drop them off?

Hermes - yeah, that sounds cool

After Hera and Hermes dropped off Olympia and Athena they went to their favorite drive-thru place "Snow White" Then they went to the park and sat at the benches, ate, and talked.

1 hour later :

Hera - wait, so you had a girlfriend whose allergies were caused by peppers but yet she ate peppers anyway *laughs*

Hermes - yeah she was crazy !!!

Hera - I got one . . . I dated a guy who would always fart during dates *laughs*

Hermes - you're kidding *eats french fries*

Hera - no I'm not kidding it was so nasty *laughs*

Hermes - how long did you guys date ?

Hera - 20 minutes *laughs* I broke up with him in that moment

Hermes - okay you win over having the weirdest relationships

Hera - thank you . . . *laughs*

Hermes - I've missed this !!!

Hera - me too

Hera then got up to throw away their trash and Hermes followed behind her.

Hermes - Hera ?

Hera turned around as Hermes called out to her. He looked into her eyes and with all his heart he knew he could stop himself from what he was about to do next. Hera looked into his eyes and she felt like being with Hermes was an escape from all her problems, she missed him and he had missed her. Hermes then leaned in and kissed Hera. Hera didn't hesitate to kiss Hermes back, she pulled him in and wrapped her arms around his neck. Hermes wrapped his arms around Hera's waist and they both started to french kiss each other. Within that moment, Hera and Hermes didn't worry about what others might think of them, they only focused on each other. 

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