A new world

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Here's the next chapter for ya'll. I hope you all enjoy the story so far, and I also hope you will stay with me 🤲🏻💕
Also: contains mentions of slavery
Enjoy! <3


It took the vikings and Serena some days to reach norway. Sven had gotten his wounds wrapped up so they stopped bleeding, while Serena was still held captive with the rope around her hands. She'd been fed by the red haired brute herself, although she refused and instead bit the viking woman's fingers.
Now she had a bandaid wrapped around her fingers, and she stopped trying to feed her, what Serena found quite amusing.

As the ship got closer to the north land, it started getting colder, and since Serena only wore her thin green dress, she started freezing pretty quickly. The northmen didn't mind the cold at all, considering they were used to it, plus they wore thick fur clothes that protected them from the cold.

Yrsa noticed the british woman freeze, and she observed her for a moment with narrowed eyes before sighing. She knew she shouldn't care about her, since she was just a victim, someone that would be working as their slave, but she did feel bad for her, so she moved to take off the fur from her shoulders before approaching the english girl.

Serena jumped slightly, being startled when she felt something being wrapped around her shoulders, and she looked up, seeing the viking leader wrap the fur around her. She averted her gaze and narrowed her eyes, "I don't need your help" she said, very clearly still feeling hate for her and her people.

"Yes you do. I don't want you to freeze to death" Yrsa said before leaving her again, heading over to the front of the ship to direct the way to the others to their home.
Serena watched her go, surprised about the...kind gesture coming from a northman, although she figured it was just because they still needed her and therefore didn't want her to die. She sighed annoyed before moving her tied up arms a little to move the fur more around herself. She immediately felt how it warmed her up, and she looked towards Yrsa again, the brute now without any fur on her, her strong arms being exposed to the cold, but she didn't seem to care at all.

Some minutes later, they finally reached the shore of their homeland. It was all white, covered in snow and incredibly cold. Serena looked around, the air turning into small fog clouds as she breathed it out. It was beautiful, yet so cold. She'd never felt this cold. It even stung on her skin.

Yrsa smiled as they settled the boat down at the wooden dock and some other clan members came out of the village to approach them. One of them was Arne, Yrsa's younger brother. He was a real sweetheart and gentleman, but too 'weak' and nice for the battlefield, therefore he stayed at the village, taking care of everything while Yrsa was out for raiding.

"Yrsa" the man said with a smile, approaching the ship, and the brute smiled back at him before grabbing a bag with silver and handing it over to him,

"Arne, nice to see you're alive and well" she said jokingly,
and the man laughed slightly,

"of course. It was quite boring without you here" he answered and gave the bag to another man who brought it away, causing Yrsa to chuckle.

Bjørn the bear then left the ship as well and went over to Arne, huffing and grumbling softly, happy to see the man again, and Arne smiled as he moved his hands to scratch the bear's cheeks, "hey there big boy".

Serena watched the scene wide eyed, surprised about how comfortable they all were around that giant bear, but her staring was noticed by Arne after a moment, and he looked over at the small woman,
"And...who is that?" He asked.

Yrsa looked over at the woman, "we found her in that village that we raided. She is a good fighter, and she knows some things about healing practices. She could be helpful".

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