opening up

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Enjoy the next chapter <3


The next day Serena was still spooked from the unsettling experience with Sven. After he touched her without her consent, she was even more uncomfortable when wandering around the village, but Yrsa stepping in and stopping the man was a big relief. She didn't understand the viking's culture and rules, but apparently only the slave's own master was allowed to touch them, and no one else.

Sven did like Serena. She was small, young, feisty and a real beauty. He liked such women, but with Yrsa there he knew he couldn't do anything, so he'd have to stay away from Serena. Not that he wouldn't try it again some other day when he had the chance.

As the british woman cleaned Yrsa's house, the brute was out to train her fighters down the hill on the training ground.

The british finished cleaning inside the house after a while and went outside to take care of the snowy garden, although she stopped when Bjørn the bear laid in the snow, napping.

Serena still didn't like the bear much. Of course it had saved her life, but still it was a bear.
She didn't know what to do now. She had to take care of the garden, but the bear definitely made that difficult. As she glanced around, trying to find something that could help her, Yrsa's brother Arne passed by.

He noticed the woman struggled, and he smiled slightly before approaching her, "need help with Bjørn?" He asked, and the woman looked up at him before nodding her head, "uh, yes" she answered, and Arne's smile widened before he went over to the bear, "Bjørn, wake up big boy" he said and bent down to pet its head, causing the bear the wake up.

It looked up at him and observed the man for a moment before yawning, showing its long fangs, making Serena watch almost in awe. Then the bear slowly stood up to trot away.

"There you go" the man said as he looked at Serena again, "thank you my lord" she responded, but Arne shook his head, "just call me Arne" he added, and Serena smiled with a nod.

As they were talking, Yrsa came back home, needing a break from her fighters that were constantly complaining and arguing with eachother.
She watched her brother and her Thræll (slave) as they talked, and she raised an eyebrow slightly, surprised that they seemed to get along so well. They even laughed as they talked, but when the brute approached, Serena went quiet again, looking over at the red head.

Yrsa looked at Arne and nodded slowly as a greeting, "brother" she said before looking at the british woman, "you come with me" she said and then headed off again. Serena watched her go with a surprised look and looked up at Arne again before slowly following the Jarl (leader).
Arne watched them both go, curious as to where Yrsa was taking her, but he knew he shouldn't follow, so he went off as well.

Serena thought about what would happen to her now. Yrsa was always very distanced towards her, so she was very curious to see what would happen. Although she was nervous too. Maybe she wanted to punish her? For whatever reason, but it could be an option.

She kept following Yrsa to a calmer place behind her house near the woods, before stopping as Yrsa turned around to the woman, just looking at her, "closer" she said strictly, and the small woman shrunk down a little from her rough voice before stepping closer.

Yrsa watched her come closer, before moving a hand to grab her sword and pull it out of its sheath, making Serena gasp in fear and shrink down more, but instead of hurting the woman, Yrsa rammed the sword into the snow to let it stuck, putting down her shield as well, "I'll teach you how to defend yourself" the brute said, and now Serena was more than surprised.

"Defend myself?" She repeated, Yrsa nodding at that, "you're my Thræll. No one is allowed to touch you. To prevent that from happening, I'll show you how to save yourself in times when I'm not around" the brute explained, and Serena kept staring at her, "I-...I never really fought" she stammered.

The brute sighed and stepped closer, "raise your arms" she said, and Serena did as she was told, raising her arms in front of her face, before Yrsa moved her fist towards her, but slow enough for Serena to block it and slap her arm away, "good" the brute said, "now let's see how good your knife work is" she added, grabbing her knife from out of her belt to give it to Serena.

The woman looked at the knife for a moment before looking at the red head, "attack me" she said. Serena hesitated, but after a moment attacked the brute, swinging the knife at her, although the big woman dodged all her attacks. The small one didn't give up though. She kept attacking the viking over and over again, until the brute eventually dodged one last time before grabbing the british from behind, one arm holding her in place as her other hand grabbed Serena's hand with the knife in it, to move the blade of it to the woman's throat.

Serena gasped at that, the brute so close to her back she was pressed against her and the knife at her throat. It was intimidating and scary, but also impressive.

The viking smiled amused as she noticed how still the british was in that position, and she moved closer to her ear, "you're a good fighter I must say. But you won't ever be able to beat me" she said softly, the thræll swallowing slightly at the words in her ear, before the Jarl let go of her again, letting her calm down from the fight.

"You did good. Still we're not done yet" the brute said, "attack me again" she added, and Serena took a deep breath before attacking the Jarl again.

It was exhausting to train with Yrsa, but in a way she was happy to be able to train, because then she could fight off Sven or any other man that tried something stupid with her. It gave her more confidence in a way.

As much as the british was still annoyed by the brute's attitude, she started to form some kind of bond with her. She felt like they slowly opened up to eachother, and Yrsa seemed to even give her slave more rights over time.

Arne, as he was wandering around, saw the two women train nearby, and he watched them with a smile. He knew his sister often seemed very cold hearted and rough, but she had a soft heart, and it slowly seemed to open up to Serena a little.


Sorry for this chapter being so short ya'll. Hope you still enjoyed it! <3

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