"Don't eat me!"

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The morning after, will and I went to see Elizabeth in jail.
A guard caught us.

"here,now, you can't be here.", he said anxiously.

The governor spoke.
"I think you'll find they can."

Will explained the situation to Eli.
I stayed a little away giving them privacy.
I remembered one of the cell.
It was the one where I spent my first night with him and we just cuddled together.
God I miss him so much.
I miss his perfect face, his laugh, those hypnotizing eyes, his smirk when he thought of something dirty, his body, his lips.
I will do anything to protect him.
I came back to reality when my adoptive father spoke.

"that you would risk your life to save Sparrow's does not mean he would do the same for anyone else."

Elizabeth smiled at me.
"oh I think he would for at least one person. I have faith in you. Both of you.Where will you guys find him?", she said softly.

"Tortuga. And then I will return here and we will get married.", William said, his eyes shining a little.

"I'll wait for you."

"Keep a weather eye on the horizon."

I waved bye to Eli.
Me and Will could now start our journey.
We ran outside to the adventure.


We've asked a lot of people at Tortuga about Jack.
Some said he was dead or at the other side of the world.
We found the two same girls that slapped Jack.
One slapped Will.
She said it was a message for Jack.
So I did what I needed to do.
I slapped both of them.
We listened to a man and he drove us to a small island.
As we saw the side of it, a black ship was there, his sails moving with the wind.
We were in a little boat and suddenly our guide stopped ramming.
He said it was too dangerous to continue.
We swam to the beach.
There was no one on the ship or near it.  We walked in the jungle when I heard a squawking.
It was the parrot of a crew man of jack and I .

"Ah. A familiar face.", Will sighed.

"squawks! Don't eat me.", the parrot replied.

"ew why?", I frowned.

Will was determined to find jack.
He almost ran in the jungle.
I followed him the fastest I could.
I saw the rhum bottle that Gibbs always as on him.

"hey look!", I pointed to it.

Will went closer to examine it.
A rope was attached to it.
He followed the rope by trailing his fingers down.

I looked over and screamed.


A man was hiding behind a tree and suddenly our feet got attached by a trap.
It pulled us up , feet in the air.
Our face was just a few inches to the ground.
I took my sword, ready to fight and Will did the same.
A whole tribu circled us.

"come on, who wants it?", William yelled to them.

I felt a sharp pain in my arm.
I saw a dart in it and on Will too.
I blacked out.


I woke up at the sound of tambours. My ears were buzzing and I had difficulty to open my eyes.
As my vision became clear, I realized I was attached to a pole and people of the tribu were transporting me horizontally.
I looked at my left and Will was in the same position.
This position was so uncomfortable. They brought us to what looked like the chief.
I still had difficulty to see like before.
I turned my head a little to see better.
It was Jack.
But he was weird.
He had makeup on his face which was 6 eyes.
He was wearing what seemed like a necklace with human toes on it and a lot of other accessories.

I looked at Will who spoke. I was too in shock.

"Jack??", Will asked.

"Jackie?? What the hell are you doing ??", I said, coming to my senses.

He gazed at me.
His face was still with no emotion.
But when I concentrated on his eyes , I could see he was trying to tell me something.
He stood up and touched Will's arm.
He spoke to the people in a weird language.

"jack it's me. Will turner!"

Jack ignored him.

"Jack fucking Sparrow don't you dare act like you don't know us!!! Your my boyfriend asshole!"

I saw Jack flinch a little.
I never called him my boyfriend.
He hold our eye contact.

"I love you, you idiot."(the reference😩)

He talked to the weird people around us.
I felt tears run dow my cheeks.

"snip snip." Jack mumbled

"jack, the compass, that's all we need. Elizabeth is in danger. We were arrested for helping you. She faces the gallows!", Will yelled to him.

Jack spoke again to the tribune.
I didn't understand what he said but I heard "savvy" at the end.
He was not crazy.
I heard yells and they brought  us away.

Jack went close to us and whispered.

"save me."

He walked away.

"Jack you asshole! Get your ass here and help us!"

They put us in cages suspended in the air with the rest of the crew.

"why would he do that to us? If Jack is the chief...", Will asked.

"aye, the Pelegostos made jack their chief, but he only remains chief as long as he acts like a chief.", Gibbs answered.

I now understood.
"Jack had no choice. He's a captive much as the rest of us.", I said

"worse, as it turns out. See, the Pelegostos believe that Jack is a god in human form."

"well that's rather good.", Will replied.

"and they intend to do him the honor of releasing him from his fleshy prison.", Cotton bit in Gibbs finger. Ew. Gibbs continued.

"they'll roast him and eat him."

At these words I was going to throw up. Will asked where was the rest of the crew.
Gibbs said they were the cages.
I made a disgusted noise and removed my fingers from the cage.

"jack's life will end when the drums stopped."

Will was really annoyed.

"well we can't just sit here and wait, can we?"


My captain II///JACK SPARROWWhere stories live. Discover now