"Océane shoot!"

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"My father is on that ship. If we can outrun her, we can take her. We should turn and fight.", Will said.

"Why fight when you can negotiate? All one needs is the proper leverage.", Jack said, putting his jar of dirt on the ramp of the upstairs deck.

Suddenly, the ship stopped abruptly which made me fell on the ground and I heard a crashing sound.
The jar.
As I looked up, I saw Jack running downstairs and searching for the heart of Davy Jones.
William offered me a hand and he pulled me up on my feet.
When I was back on my feet, Will kept staring at me and I noticed how close we where.
Confused by his acts, I rapidly took my hand off his and walked over to Jack.
What was this all about?

"Where is it? Where is the thump-thump?", Jack said anxiously looking everywhere.

"Jack what the hell? Where the fuck did the heart went? It doesn't have bloody legs!", I said in panic.

"We must have hit a reef!", a crewman yelled at us.

"No. It's not a reef! Get away from the rail!", Will yelled back.

I ran back upstairs and saw Will pulling Eli away from the side of the deck.

"What is it?", she asked.

"The kraken", he answered.

Everyone looked at him in shock.
No, no, no.
That's a fucking nightmare.

"To arms!", Will yelled.

"Load the guns! Defend the mast!" I added.

"It'll attack the starboard. Run out the cannons and hold for my signal!", he said.

Everyone grabbed guns and swords and got ready for the attack.
I looked around for Elizabeth and decided I will stay with her to protect her.
Jack will be fine without me.

"Elizabeth! Stay with me.", I said.

She nodded and gave me a quick hug.
Seconds later, we saw some tentacles raising at the side of the ship.
We were waiting for Will's signal to attack.

"Will?", Eli asked.

"Steady! Steady.", he answered

"Will!", she said again.

The tentacles were now higher than the Pearl sails.

"Hold. Hold.", Will said.

"Will for Christ sake's!", I yelled.

"Fire!", Will screamed to the crew downstairs.

We heard the cannons firing and some tentacles fell down on the deck barely hitting Elizabeth.
The kraken retired and the crew was already celebrating.

"It's gonna come back.", I said my voice breaking in fear.

"We have to get off the ship.", Will added.

"There's no boat.", Eli said.

Will seemed to think for a while and walked to the crewman.

"Pull the grates. Get all the gunpowder onto the net in the cargo hold!", he yelled.

Will handed me a large gun.

"Whatever you do, don't miss.", he said softly.

"You're crazy. I will do it when you're clear.", I said.

They prepared the stuff for the attack.
I followed Will to the cave.

"There's only six kegs of powder!", Gibbs said to us in hurry.

"Then load the rum", Will and I said at the same time.

I gazed over at him we kept a eye contact for  couple of seconds that seemed to not stop.
The pirates stopped working and looked sad.
Will took my arm and guided upstairs.

"Be careful Océ.", he said seriously.

"I'm more worried about you and your stupid ideas.", I replied.

He smiled slightly and let go of me.
I went beside Elizabeth and noticed something on the water infront of the boat.
I stared in shock at the small figure of Jack in a rowing boat.

"Oh, you coward.", Eli whispered.

I couldn't even formulate words.
He abandoned us.
Jack left us here alone and it was his fault that we were dealing with the kraken.
Elizabeth said something else but I didn't listen.
Another thud indicated it that the giant calamar was back.
I tried to forget about Jack and got myself ready to fight.
Everything happened really fast.
Men were screaming, wood was breaking, it was pure chaos.
They were hissing Will on the top of the ship with the barrels, but it got stuck.
I ran upstairs ready to shoot at the barrels.
I heard Elizabeth screaming at saw a tentacle grabbing her.

"Océane, shoot!", Will yelled.

I looked over at Will and saw that he wasn't clear so I ran downstairs and dropped my gun.
I arrived just on time to cut with my sword the tentacle that was grabbing Elizabeth.
If I didn't came here, she would have been killed.
In panic, I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the stairs.
I tried to grab the gun on the stairs but a boot was stepping on it.
Jack's boot.
He quickly grabbed the gun and aimed at the barrels.
Eli crawled to Jack and gripped his leg.
Jack's bullet hit perfectly the barrel and everything exploded.
The kraken retreated.

"We just made it angry. We're not out of this yet. Captain, orders! Gibbs said.

I rushed over to Will to make sure he was alright.
He hugged me tightly.
I then looked over to Jack.
We made eye contact and I pulled him closer to me.

"You left us.", I said.

"I know. But I came back.", he said while grinning.

"What should we do?", I asked to Jack.

"Abandon ship. Into the longboat.", Jack said.

"Jack. The pearl.", Gibbs said.

"She's only a ship, mate.", Jack said.

"He's right. We have to head for land.", Eli said.

"It's a lot of open water", Pintel said.

"We have to try. We can get away as it takes down the Pearl.", Will added.

"No. What the hell? Jack we can't do that! Remember what you said? The Pearl is our only freedom!", I said.

"I'm sorry océane but that's an order.", he replied with no emotion.

I started at him in shock.

"What did you just said to me?", I said angrily.

He looked really sad but it quickly turned into an angry face.

"I said that's an order. NOW GET ONTO THE BOAT.", Jack yelled at me.

"Fuck. You. You are just a fucking coward. A PATHETIC LIAR.", I yelled back.

I quickly walked to the side of the ship and climbed down to the small boat.
Will gave me a hug and tried to comfort me.
I saw Will looking over the railing and quickly went to sit back beside me.
He looked really pissed off.

"What?", I asked

"Elizabeth and Jack were kissing.", he said.

I scoffed and my heart was pounding like crazy.
Why did he do that?
He's such an asshole.
I couldn't restrain myself so a few tears fell down my cheeks.
I wanted to kill Elizabeth right now.


My captain II///JACK SPARROWWhere stories live. Discover now