"Oi, fishface!"

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"Aargh!", he yelled

Something hit me and then I looked down to see Jack stuck into the wheel, upside down.
I was very confused and saw that Will and Norrington were too.
After a second we continued throwing swords at each other.
I heard a loud metallic noise and gazed at the side of the wheel, it was Jack who feel from it.
He woke up rapidly and started running and after us and the wheel who was getting faster and faster.
The boys ended up into the wheel and fighting upside down, I lost the track of what was happening.
At this point, I was only aiming at Norrington.
Someone grabbed my arm and I saw it was Jack.
He pointed the top of the wheel.
We quickly went back to the top.
He grabbed my waist and jumped to grab a tree branch.
We landed back on the ground and he showed me the key while smirking. After, I heard a strange noise and saw a sea beast running with the chest.

"Jack, look!", I pointed it to him.

He grabbed a coconut and threw it to him.
It hit him right in the face, and his head separated from his body.
We ran to the chest and Jack opened it.
The Davy Jones crewman kept talking to his head for him to come back.

"oh, shut it.", Jack said annoyed.

Jack slowly approached his hand to Davys Jones heart.

"babe, no don't touch it! Ew..", I said almost throwing up in disgust.

The other beasts were coming at us and Jack put the heart in his shirt.
We ran away and made it to the ramming boat.

"Jar of dirt!", Jack exclaimed.

He opened the jar and put the heart in it.
As he closed it, I noticed a sea beast really near us.
I took my sword and started fighting it. Jack helped me and we knocked him down.
I saw Eli running at us with the empty chest, followed closely by Davys Jones crewmen.
Everyone stopped fighting when the church wheel, passed by us and landed in the water.
Will and Norrington got out of it, looking really dizzy and they had difficulty to walk.
The crewman woke up and Jack and I fought it again.
Jack disappeared for a while and I saw him hit Will on the head with a paddle.

"what the hell?", I yelled.

"leave him lie! Unless you plan on using him to hit something with.", Jack said, unbothered.

They were all circling us, they were much more than us.

"we're not getting out of this.", I said anxiously.

"not with the chest. Into the boat.", Norrington said, taking the chest.

"you're mad!", Elizabeth exclaimed

"don't wait for me.", He answered, running back to the island.

The crewmen followed him.

"I say we respect his final wish.", Jack said.

"aye!", Pintel yelled.

I hurriedly grabbed Will's body and put him into our small boat, making sure he wouldn't hit his head.
We rammed back to the Black Pearl.
I walked over to where Elizabeth were with Will to see if he was okay.
I sat down on the deck and observed Will still unconscious.
His eyes opened after a couple of minutes.

"Océane .", he said slowly.

"Are you alright?", I asked in worry.

"Yeah. I'm happy to see you.", he said while smiling.

I grinned back at him and helped him to stand up.
We quickly hug and it felt great.
I walked back to Jack.

"where's the commodore?", Gibbs asked.

"fell behind.", Jack answered casually.

"He kind of sacrificed himself.", I added

"my prayers be with him. Best not wallow in our grief."

We climbed up to the steering wheel.

"the bright side is you're back, and made it off free and clear.", A huge noise interrupted Gibbs talking.

Davys Jones boat got out of the water and came beside ours.
Jack was still holding on to his jar and was looking more stressed than ever.

"Jack, what are we gonna do?", I asked him in fear.

"I'll handle this, sweetheart.", He replied pushing me behind him.

He walked to the edge of the boat and started yelling at Davy Jones.

"Oi, fishface! Lose something? Eh? Scungilli!", He said mocking him.

He fell down the stairs but immediately stood up.
The crew made a sort of surprised funny exclamation.

"Got it! Come to negotiate, eh, have you, you slimy git? Look what I got. I got a jar of dirt, I got a jar of dirt and guess what's inside it?", He added while singing and showing it off.

He looked really proud of what he did but even though it was funny, I knew it wasn't going to end well.
Davy Jones opened his cannons directly infront of us.

"hard to starboard.", Jack mumbled.

"hard to starboard!", Elizabeth yelled.

Girl, we know that.
I quickly took the wheel and turned it the fastest I could.

Davy Jones opened fire on us and there was wood blowing off in the back of the pearl.

"fuck!", I mumbled and I was mad.

"She's on us!!!", Our crew yelled

Jack came by my side and looked around anxiously.
After a couple of minutes, Davy Jones boat was now out of the range and the crew celebrated.

"well done darling, you are very good at commandeering the Pearl.", Jack whispered in my ear.

"can I get a reward?", I asked teasingly.

He smirked and approached his lips to mine.

"mmmh, you've been a good girl my love."

He hungrily smashed his warm lips on mine.
He pressed his tongue in my mouth and I sighed at the satisfaction and butterflies it gave me.
He pushed me against the steering wheel and pinned me there while holding my waist.
I was surprised at the sudden move but smiled even more.
I heard a slight cough at my right and opened my eyes.
Will was standing awkwardly there, watching us.

"Jack, Will is watching us.", I whispered in his ear.

"Hope he's gonna enjoy it.", He said in with a deep voice.


Jack shut me by kissing me again and he started kissing my neck.
He found my sweet spot and sucked on it until he heard me do some noise.
I just couldn't contain it, it made me feel so good.

"mmmh Jack don't stop.", I moaned louder then I expected.

I opened my eyes again and saw Will climbing down the stairs, walking away looking mad.

"that was at the worst time.", I said to him.

"yet, you didn't told me to stop.", He said teasingly.

Before I could answer, Will came beside us again.


My captain II///JACK SPARROWWhere stories live. Discover now