"Cast off those lines"

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Will had the idea to make the cage swing in the air so we could grab the cliffs.
We all yelled to gave us courage and power.
It would be quite funny to watch.
I hope Jack is fine and soon all this shit is going to be behind us.
We were getting closer and closer to the edge.
Finally the boys caught some branches and rocks.
Me and a guy too small sat away, so we weren't in their feet.
They started climbing.
After a couple of minutes everyone stopped climbing.
The drums stopped.
They all looked worried while some tears left my eyes.
I tried to be the much silent I could. They all began to again, climb.
I saw a guard walking down the bridge near us.

"wait.stop. Shhh.", I whispered.

The cage beside us ignored us and continued to climb.
One caught a serpent in his hand. Everyone yelled in fear and they lost their grips.
They were too high so the swing was too much for the rope.
They fell down until we couldn't see them.
The guard watched the scene and ran to his tribute to warn them.
The crew climbed as fast as they could. We finally made it to the top and cut the ropes.
The cannibals ran to us.
We didn't have an another choice so we rolled the cage to go forward.
The cage fell down and lost control, we hit a tree.
We passed our legs between the bones and started to run.
Suddenly there was nothing to run on. We fell in a cave of water.
The cage finally broke and we took our breaths.
The tribu shot darts at us.
We hid on the side of the cave.
Will swam over to me and put himself behind me, wrapped an arm around my waist to protect me.

"It's gonna be okay", he whispered.

"I'm scared.", I said with a shaky voice.

"I'm here, I'm here.", Will said softly.

We heard yells and the cannibals found us.
They were going to attack when we heard another yell.
They all ran away.
We took this opportunity to hurry up out of the cave and ran to the beach.
I saw the Black Pearl in the distance.

"make ready to sail boys!", Gibbs yelled.

"what about Jack?", I yelled worried

"we won't leave without him.", Will said.

We heard shoutings.
At the other side of the beach, was Jack running.
All the cannibals were following him.

"time to go.", Will said.

"cast off those lines!", Gibbs yelled.

We all got into the ship and released the sails.
Jack got into the water and ran to the side of the deck.
He grabbed the ropes to climb and dramatically turned to the tribu.

"Alas, my children, this is the day you shall always remember as the day that you almost...."

A huge wave slapped him on the face.

"Captain Jack Sparrow....." he finished.

As soon as Jack climbed on the deck I ran and hug him tightly.
He was wet but I didn't care.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and lift my chin up.

"Jackie. I was so scared. I thought you were gonna die.", I said, shaking.

"don't say that. I'm a man full of surprises! And I couldn't left you like that without a goodbye kiss.", Jack said while grinning.

He pulled me closer and kissed me.
Gibbs ran to us worried.

"let's put some distance between us and this island and head out to open sea.", Gibbs said.

"yes to the first. Yes to the second, but only insofar as we keep to the shadows as much as possible."

"that seems a bit contradictory, captain."

"I have faith in your reconciliatory navigational skills, mister Gibbs. Now, where is that monkey? I want to shoot something.", Jackie said.

We heard a hissing sound above our heads.
Jack took out his pistol.
His arm was still tightly wrapped around my waist when Will walked to us.

"Jack. Elizabeth is in danger.", he said seriously.

"have you considered just locking her up somewhere?"

"she is locked up, in prison, bound to hang for helping you."

Jack walked up to the ship's wheel and we all followed him.

"there comes a time when one must take responsibility for one's mistakes."

Will, clearly not satisfied by my man answer, took someone's sword and pointed it to Jack's chest.
I glanced at Will in incomprehension and he held out eye contact for a couple of seconds.

"Again?", I asked.

He ignored me and focused on Jackie.

"I need that compass of yours, Jack. I must trade it for her freedom."

Jack easily pushed away the sword.

"mister Gibbs."


"we have a need to travel upriver."

"by need, do you mean a trifling need? Fleeting? As in, say, a passing fancy?"

"no, a resolute and unyielding need"

"what we need to do is make sail for Port Royal with all haste.", Will said.

"William, I shall trade you the compass if you will help me to find this."

Jack took an old piece of clothing out of his coat.
I squeezed myself near jack to examine it.
It was a simple drawing of a key.
Will was clearly annoyed.

"you want me to find this?", he said.

"no. You want you to find this... because the finding of this finds you incapacitorially finding and/or locating in your discovering a way to save your dolly belle, ol' what's-her-face. Savvy?"

I was really confused.
He took the drawing in his hands.

"this is going to save Elizabeth?"

"how much do you know about Davy Jones?", Jack ask.

Davy Jones.
I heard a lot of stories about him.

"not much.", Will said.

"yeah, it's going to save Elizabeth.", Jack said not convincing at all.

Will left to go talk to Gibbs.
I slowly closed my eyes, feeling the cold wind brushing my face.
A pair of arms grabbed me and spinned me around.

"hello there.", Jack smirked.

"hey Jackie."

"I gotta admit something. I never felt this way for no one."

His lips were getting closer and closer to mine.

"Mmmm. Explain.", I teased.

"Babe you make me so vulnerable. Beside you I'm someone ive never been. I love you so much."

I smashed my lips against his.
He wrapped a arm around my waist pulling me closer to his body, and his other hand playing in my hair.
The kiss was long and passionate.
We eventually broke it to take our breath.

"I love you too so damn much.", I whispered.


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