"You dirty little girl"

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As soon as we arrived at Tortuga, the same energy was there, just like last time.
It's like this island is a never ending party.
We set up a little table in the bar and Gibbs was sitting at it, waiting for men to sign their destiny without even knowing.

"And what makes you think you're worth to crew the Black Pearl?", Gibbs asked.

I looked up and studied the man who was answering.
He was really old and had difficulty to walk.
Bored, I let myself fall on Jack's chest. He was shaking his compass, annoyed, because it was not working again.

"I know what I want, I know what I want....", He muttered to himself.

Frustrated that he didn't noticed me, I placed my hand slowly on is torso and went lower and lower.
When I reached the buckle of his belt, he quickly let go of his compass and grabbed me by my waist.
Jack pushed me up on him, so we were now face to face.

"You dirty little girl. What were you gonna do, hmm?", He teased.

"Oh, Captain. Something I'm sure you would have liked. A lot.", I answered.

I hungrily pressed my lips on his. Nothing can even change this feeling. Everytime I kiss him, I can't even find the words to describe how I feel.
He lifted one hand up my body and caressed my cheek.
Jack broke the kiss but didn't let go of me.
Instead, he left a trail of kissed down my face and stopped to my neck.
I chuckled at this new feeling.
He started sucking on my skin, which felt awesome.
His mouth found my sweet spot, I closed my eyes in ecstacy and let out a soft moan.
I could feel him smile against my neck.

"You like that, Océane?", Jack groaned.

"Hmmmm.", I tried to answer.

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed all the men at Gibbs table were gone.
I nudged Jack's shoulder.
He groaned in frustration but let go of me.

"How we going, Gibbs?"

"Including those fours, that gives us... four.", He hesitated.

Annoyed, I took Jack's compass to shake it.
Jack gazed at my action with surprise and let out a cute laugh.
While we messed around, he suddently stopped and stared at a man infront of Gibbs.
I listened to what he was saying, just a few feets away from us.

"I chased a man across the seven seas. The pursuit cost me my crew, my commission, and my life."

"Commodore?", Gibbs asked shocked.

Commodore Norrington was in a bad state.
He was all dirty and messy.
Jack discretly took a branch of plant in a vase beside him, and put it infront of him.

"Jackie, what are you doing?", I whispered.

He walked away and I saw Norrington flipping the table and Gibbs fell.
I hurried to him to see if he was hurt. The music stopped and everyone was staring at the man who broke the party.

"So am I worthy to serve under the orders of Captain Jack Sparrow?", He yelled.

Jack was trying to exit the bar, hidden by his plant.
He suddenly stopped when Norrington aimed his gun at him.

"Or should I just kill you now?", He continued

I took my gun out and pointed to Commodore's head.
Jack was now hiding behind a pillar and was messing around, going left and right.

"You're hired.", Jack said.

"Sorry. Old habits and all that."

Norrington shot a bullet, but I lifted his arm just in time, so the bullet went flying in the top of the room.
It started a fight in the bar and soon, it was chaos everywhere, everyone was fighting for fun.
I ran to Jack.

"Time to go.", He said casually

"Aye.", Answered Gibbs.

I was walking between Gibbs and Jack, always pushing him forward to walk faster.
We walked up the stairs, while dodging glasses and objects.
Jack stopped a couple a times, trying and switching around hats.
He turned to ask me how it looked.
I made a small nod while laughing.
He looked ridiculous.
But that's what i liked about him.
We finally made it out of the bar and walked to our ship on the dock.
Jack put his arm around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I pushed my lips on his soft lips.
The kiss was short and passionate but we got cut off.
A familiar voice made me turn around.

"Captain Sparrow.", The voice said.

"Come to join crew, lad? Welcome aboard.", He said without turning back and trying to kiss me more.

"I'm here to find the man I love."

Then i reconised Eli.
I walked to her and hugged her.
Jack started saying some incomprehensible stuff when I almost yelled at him.

"Jackie, stop. It's Elizabeth."

He finally turned around and looked shocked.

"You know these clothes does not flatter you at all. It should be a dress or something.", Jack said.

I cleared my throat to have his attention and gave him a death stare.

"Jack. I know Will came to find you with Océane. Where is he?", Eli was about to cry, I could sense it.

"I am truly unhappy to have to tell you this, but through an unfortunate and entirely unforeseable series of circumstances that have nothing whatsoever to do with me, poor Will has been press-ganged into Davy Jones' crew.", He sighed

God. He lied terribly.

"Davy Jones?"

Then Norrington who was listening to us all this time, threw up.
I moved away from him in disgust.

"Oh, please. The captain of the Flying Dutchman?", Norrington said with a raspy voice.

"You look bloody awful. What are you doing here?", Jack said mocking him a little.

"You hired me. I can't help his your standards are lax."

I quietly laughed at his comment.

"You smell funny.", Jack answered.

"Jack stop it now. Listen to Eli. Please.", I said, annoyed.

"All I want is to find Will.", She said.

"Are you certain? Is that what you really want most?", He said serious.

"God damn Jackie . We already know that she wants to find Will. And we do too. So let's go. We are wasting time right now.", I said softly.

He nodded at me and we started walking to the boat.
He explained the Davy Jones story and that we need to find the chest.
I walked infront of them, but stayed close to hear their conversation.
Jack gave his compass to Elizabeth and I was a little mad.


My captain II///JACK SPARROWWhere stories live. Discover now