Chapter Two - Introduction Circles!

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A retelling of Ten Keepers: Book One's Chapter 5


Zoey's POV

Zoey and Zoron were outside the Greenhaven fortress because Olvan told them so. Like all great heroes, they must first meet right there on that very spot for good luck and good vibes. Of course, they got bored easily so now they were just trying to strengthen their spirit animal bonds by getting them into passive mode: the greatest trust a spirit animal could ever bestow upon us lowly humans.

"Ow!" Zoron flinched as the gyrfalcon pecked him, "What was that for?"

"I think he wants you to name him," Zoey said before cuddling her rabbit and cooing, "Isn't that right, Chloe?"

"Are you really gonna name her Chloe?" Zoron asked.

Zoey side-eyed him, "What's wrong with Chloe?"

"U-Uh nothing! It rhymes and all and I totally thought it was really cool!"

"Uh huh, I thought so." Zoey casually hummed, "Maybe you should rhyme your falcon's name with yours."

Zoron thought about it then immediately jumped shipped at the first word that came to his mind, that rhymed with his name. His bird would absolutely hate being named... uh, that name.

"I'll just name you Lazu." Zoron turned to the falcon who turned to him. "That cool for you?"

The falcon cocked his head to the side before screeching really loudly into his ear. Other than that, he didn't get a painful peck.

"Lazu it is then."

"Oh look, commander Olvan's back," Zoey pointed out.

And from the distance, the dramatic silhouettes of Olvan and a girl walking alongside a huge horse, approached them. When they neared, the girl shyly smiled at Zoey, then smiled even shyer at Zoron. Why? I don't know, you should probably ask. Either way, Zoey found it funny how Zoron was STILL looking at her and rarely did the opportunity came for her to be the annoying little sister she was.

"Careful, big brother, you might catch a fly," Zoey quietly teased.

Zoron flinched, realizing he was caught and he immediately blushed.

He glared at his sister, red-faced and everything. "I hate you."

"Love you too!"

"The others should arrive soon," Olvan spoke.

And as if it was a magic word, the others did begin to arrive. The next batch were of two young boys with a cheetah and leopard from Nilo, accompanied by female adult number one. They both wore matching wide grins, the true mark of troublemakers.

"This place is poggers!" The one with the cheetah exclaimed.

"Sup dude," the one with the leopard greets Zoron with a grin. Then turns to Zoey and the other Amayan girl, "Dudette. Other dudette."

"Uhhhh yo," Zoey... attempts.

Ahem, anyway the next batch comes hailing from Zhong. Two Zhongese girls were accompanied by a fox and a giant panda, and two adult Greencloaks followed after them but they're not really important, or maybe they are I don't know man-

"Did you guys fulfill the prophecy too?" The girl with the fox asked.

"Yup," Zoey piped up.

The boy with the leopard asked, "What even is the prophecy?"

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