Chapter Six - Maybe If We Ignored the Problem-

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A retelling of Ten Keepers: Book One's Chapters 13-14

Mysterious or Familiar

Irene's POV

When they docked their ship onto the docks of northern Amaya, Irene shivered... because it was cold that's why she shivered. The weather in northern Amaya was far different than the weather in southern Zhong. Which was a given, considering their geographical proximity to the equator... which I'm assuming Erdas had because it would be awkward if they didn't-

This is to say, she wasn't used to the cold weather.

"Dude it's freezing here," Ivan shivers.

"How the Haliwir do people live in this weather?" Jef whines.

"We just live, I guess," Hope answers for them, very wisely inputting her insight.

As the whipped person he was, Zoron nodded wholeheartedly in agreement and with his entire support in full display for the whole group to see.

Zoey seconds it. "I seconded."

John scoffs, "This is nothing to northern Eura."

"Oh I think it's pretty similar," George counters.

"What are you talking about? Gaundor's way colder than this."

"No it's not???"

"Yes it is," John looks at Eilene, "Back me up here."

She only shrugs. "I literally don't even live there."

"...okay but you LiVe iN eUrA!"

"Oh, well in that case the weather's pretty much the same," Eilene chirps.

"Yus," George celebrates as John leaves the chat.

Riley clears her throat, bringing the plot back into relevance. "Anyways, where are we supposed to find Dwayne?"

"Well..." Ella hesitates. "Olvan didn't give us an address so..."

"We just have to trust destiny to lead us the way," Eric finishes confidentially.

Irene shakes her head, "Hold up, let me get this straight. We're looking for Dwayne... but we don't know where he is. So rather than asking around... we're just going to hope we bump into him?"

"Trusting destiny," Eric corrects.

"Alright, so we're winging it," Riley mumbles, exchanging an exasperated glance with Irene.

They began walking to some random direction they picked, heading deeper into the city and hoping they found Dwayne.

It was also around the same time that Irene saw three black-cloaked figures converging in conversation by the alleyway before disappearing into said-alleyway. If Irene didn't know any better, she would've thought that they looked reaaaaaaally suspicious, giving off the vibe that they were doing some really sketchy stuff in there...

But NAH. Not every black-cloaked guy must be a bad guy, right? For all she knew, it might just be a very popular Amayan fashion trend!

"Am I the only one who thinks we might actually never find Dwayne?" Irene mutters to Riley.

Before she could reply, Eric beat her to it-

"DWAYNE! BUDDY OLD PAL!" Eric yelled before hugging a Greencloak that had spawned out of nowhere. "I KNEW WE'D FIND YOU!"

"Yes," Irene nods dryly. "Right here. In the middle of the street. Coincidentally."

"Well, as the great summoner of Essix once said," John speaks up solemnly. "Just wing it."

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