Chapter 3- Loss?

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Early next morning, Quackity sent out distress signals to all his allies hoping that one of them may have heard something from Bad. By noon every signal had come back with a "Sorry, haven't seen him" He felt defeated but refused to give up. "Bad's still out there, He has to be" he murmured to Skeppy in passing as he rounded up his co-workers to make a plan to go out in search of Bad. Sam, Slime, Foolish, Purpled, Fundy, and Wilbur sat in the empty casino silently awaiting a word from him. "Bad is missing," Quackity explained to the group. Everyone's eyes moved to Skeppy who sat at the bar. Skeppys head leant on the bar with three empty shot glasses beside him, Small snores could be heard coming from his exhausted looking face. "Bad is a valued ally so it's our job to make sure that he returns to his husband safely" Quackity continued on to explain his plan to find Bad, When suddenly a thunderous knock at the door caused Skeppy's head to lift from the bar and for everyone to jump. Quackity unsheathed his sword and stood on guard. A familiar, tall lanky boy with brown fluffy hair stepped through the Casino doors, Followed by a slightly shorter, jett black haired boy with heavy netherite armour covering his body. "Your late" Quackity spat with distaste, returning his sword to its place on his hip. The raven haired boy replied in a guilty tone "Yea, uh, Sorry Q we were denied entrance at the gates" Quackity silently chuckled. "Quite right, sit next to Wilbur please" the two boys took their allotted places, Careful to avoid all eye contact with the other members of the search party. "As I was saying, we will take the most obvious path to Niki's searching throughout that area and as there are many of us we will be able to cover much more ground. Do we all understand?'' a few muffled yes's were heard throughout the Bar as Quackity dismissed them "5am Tomorrow, Don't forget!" Quackity shouted after them, staring into the back of The two late boy's head's. Wilbur had left to check the younger boys were in bed and Quackity had offered Skeppy the safe bunker for the night as they had no other place for him to stay. Skeppy kindly declined and went outside to ready his horse. Quackity sat at the bar listening to the soft hum of the machines. His eyes were droopy but he couldn't fall asleep due to the bright neon lights from the machines and various other things around the bar. But most of all because of an emerging thought 'What if Bad was dead?' He quickly pushed it away, studying the small ripples in his drink. He thought about the two late men. Karl the tall lanky brunette and Sapnap the short, black haired, warrior. He had a long history with these two, not one he liked to dwell on too much. Their past contained a lot of Betrayal and Hurt therefore Quackity didn't really like them. One of his previous partners was definitely an ideal choice for a search party though, Sapnap was a trained warrior and could protect them, Karl on the other hand just went anywhere Sapnap did. Quackity felt stress build in his temples as he relived little memories from his time with Karl and Sapnap, After they had split he came here to create his country and made sure that those two were not allowed in. Obviously the situation they were in was an exception to this rule. Wilbur bounded down the stairs at an alarming rate interrupting Quackity's thoughts. Quackity was sure he was going to fall but Wilbur leapt off the second step and stuck the landing. He glanced over at Quackity with a grin and steadied himself before walking to Q's side. "Ready to go?" Q asked downing the last of his drink. "Indeed I am," Wilbur replied with a small smile. "Well let's go then, I am fucking exhausted" Quackity murmured starting for the door, Wilbur nodded and followed quietly in Q's track's, looming over him every step of the way.

~LETS GO!! Two updates in one night!! Hope your enjoying and please vote! <3

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