Chapter 10- The Truth

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Quackity sat in the room at the top of the needle. He waited anxiously for XD to say something. "This information will not come for free" Dream XD smirked. "I'm aware, I don't care what you want. Just-" Quackity took a shaky breath "Just tell me who did it" XD smiled now, very curious about the conversation at hand. "Are you sure this is what you want?" XD chuckled in his low tone, making Quackity rethink his decision. "Yes XD, This is what I want" XD grinned "Very well, How about I show you instead?" Quackity nodded and closed his eyes. 

He stood alone in a dark place. Lightning flashed and he was at the scene of the crime. A man stood looming over Bad. They seemed to be arguing. Quackity watched as the intriguing scene played out before his eyes. He took a few steps closer, desperate to be able to hear what was going on. As he walked towards the ominous person, lightning struck the puddle beside him causing both Bad and the anonymous figure to jump back in fright. The hood fell. Quackity stood in shock, His chest cramped up as he took a shaky breath, tears threatening to fill his eyes. The tall man's curly hair sat soaked against his tan skin, he turned back to Bad yelling again. "IT'S MY TURN TO BE FUCKING HAPPY BAD" He screamed his face which was pale from the cold starting to turn red. "AND IF THIS IS THE WAY IT MUST GO...THEN SO FUCKING BE IT" He unsheathed his sword from its holster the blade shining in the light of the moon. "NO" Quackity screamed. But they couldn't hear him, they couldn't see him. It was over. Wilbur's blade had driven straight through Bad's stomach. Bad dropped to the floor as Wilbur retrieved the sword from the dying man. Thick red blood was washed from the blade by the rain as Wilbur returned it to its place on his side. Quackity felt a hand on his shoulder pulling him backwards. He blinked the tears from his eyes and found himself back in the warmth of the needle, but this time there was no XD. The hand on his shoulder dropped and he turned slowly, being met by the furious eyes that watched as Bad's life left his body.

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