Chapter IV

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Riseth and I had finally made it to the gates of the castle and when we got to the gates, we noticed two figures guarding it.

Riseth and I had finally made it to the gates of the castle and when we got to the gates, we noticed two figures guarding it

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I then got closer and they noticed me.

Agni: Brother look! A real visitor.

Rudra: You're right. We must be gracious hosts.

Agni: Agreed...but what to do we do?

Rudra: I...don't know... quick! Let's think!

Y/N: Here's an idea. Let me through *demonic energy starts to resonate around him* Before I tear you both asunder...

Agni: Brother...Are guest is threatening us...

Rudra: We must protect the king at all costs...

The two then got ready for battle and so did I but Riseth then appeared.

Riseth: Let me handle this. *to Agni and Rudra* Hey you two Goliaths! How long has it been~?

Agni: Riseth?!

Rudra: The old ruler?! You're back?

Riseth: That I am. I was sealed away by this boy's father, but he freed me and we're now bonded together to fight the gods. Now. I demand you both to stand down and help us.

The two were silent.

Agni: No can do.

Rudra: You're no longer the ruler of hell.

Riseth: *giggles before giving them an ominous look* Excuse me?

Agni: We do not follow your orders anymore.

Rudra: As happy as we are to see you again, we bound to a pact with the new ruler of hell. Anybody who dares challenges his ruling shall be sentenced to death by our hands.

Riseth: *growls angrily* you DARE disobey YOUR MASTER?!

Agni: We...are sorry, our true queen...

Rudra: But our bodies are forced to fight anyone who dares to try and enter the castle without permission...

Riseth: But your thoughts are of your own?

Agni: Yes.

Rudra: And we would happily serve you again...if we could.

Riseth: *sighs sadly* I see...

Y/N: *feels a bit sad for the two* So the only way to free you two from your imprisonments is death...

Agni: Yes.

Rudra: We would Gladly stand down and give our lives to you and our queen...but we must fight.

Y/N: *summons the Yamato as Riseth disappears* Then I shall make your deaths swiftly and painlessly as I can...

Agni: Good luck. We can not hold back.

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