2.Family time and reasons

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Two days later Dom was  having a serious talk with Brian while me and mia were chilling in the backside.

I lift Letitia in the air as she giggled. Yes Mia decided to call her daughter Leticia. In memory of Letty.

Dom told me that i would have loved letty, that we would have been friends.

Mia was looking at me as i played with Letty.

"What?" I ask her tickling the little girl.

"You want one, don't you" i look at mia sharply and she was staring at me with raised brows.

I sigh and replied.

"Me and dom talked about it once. But it was never mentioned again. Dom would be a great dad and all but i'm scared of what could happen if i was really pregnant and something bad happened. You know with the lifestyle and all. My brother being a cop and as he will continue on doing his job he will get enemies and Dom..."

"Dom the trouble magnet"mia said laughing.

I laugh with her and look at little letty.

She was really beautiful with her brown hair and blue eyes.

I started to think of a little bub with brown hair brown eyes and tan skin crawling around.Mine and dom's princess or prince.  I shook my head and gave mia Little Letty.
"I'm going to grab a beer, want one"i ask her

"No thanks" she replied smiling at letty.

I stood up and walk in the house and in the kitchen, grabbing a corona from the fridge, i look at the window facing the front of the house and saw Dom, Luke and Brian talking in hushed tones.


I walk out the door slamming it loudly. They jumped and turned around looking at me with guilty faces. I just raise an eyebrow at them and said after taking a swing of my beer.

"What is with the hushed conversation, ladies?' i asked them smiling.

They all look down. Suddenly Luke's hummer back passenger door opened and out ran my niece with her arms wide open.

"AUNTIE"I crouch down and catch her, hugging her with all my might.

"SAMMY"i said as cheerful as i could. I look at the guys and pointed a finger towards them.

''We'll talk about this you three"I turn around and walk in the house with samantha in tow, towards the back door.


It was now dinner time and Roman was saying grace. I could feel eyes on me, so i open them and saw Brian, Luke and dom looking at me, more like peeping. Big fail..

I shook my head and continued my silent prayer as Rome finished.

"Amen"We all said and dug in..

I grabbed the mash potatoes and put some for me in my plate and some in dom's. Then past the bowl to suki who was giggling. o.O.

Looking closely, Tej was smiling cheekily. Oh Noo, what are they up to?

I grab a piece of chicken and place it on the plate and gave dom the bowl as he will probably take ten pieces. I'm exagerating there.

There was a huge debate about what car was the best between Brian and Dom who was trying to convince Jack and Little Letty which car to drive..

Jack may understand but Letty. She was just two years old. She was so cute in her baby chair.

Back on the road (Sequel to Be fast Be furious)*COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now