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We landed at the airport, got our luggage and walked out the airport.

We all got in our cars and i got in dom's car as mine wasn't fixed.

I stared at the city as Dom drove.New york was a beautiful city but LA was THE place for me.

I was really happy because Luke told me that i will have a car just for me.

And Luke said that we'll be staying in an actual house rather than a warehouse. I was also happy of that news.

I look at Dom and he was staring straight ahead with a frown.

You know the feels it does when you have a boyfriend and he frowns and you frown too.

This happens to me every time Dom frowns.

"Why are you frowning?"i asked him.

He glanced at me and looked back at the road.

"I can't help but feel guilt creeping up.I should have not accepted to do that job. I should have kept my promises and stopped with the ride or die life." he said still frowning

"Dom, you are doing that to save someone's life. And that someone is a stranger, you never met before. You shouldn't feel guilty"i told him.

He sigh and stopped at a red light.

He turned towards and placed kiss on my lips.

"Dom can i tell you something" i said my voice cracking at the end

"Anything" his voice was so husky. It made me think of naughty things.

OKAY. stop. Hormones are going all over the place.

"um i.."

Just when i was going to tell him the lights went green.

"Tell me bet" he said.

"Oh its nothing really important. I love you"i said kissing him on the cheek.

He nodded silently and looked back at the road.

After the short car ride we arrived at the house Luke got for the job. It was a beautiful 2 story house and there was some normal cars parked near it. It was the cops that were using normal cars for undercover.

Dom parked the car and we walked out and he grabbed the bags and walked towards the beautiful house.

we walked in and everyone who were talking went silent and looked at us.

"Hi everyone" i said waving. I remembered most of them from the London heist but there were some newbies

Everyone smiled and waved with 'hi's'

and then they continued talking. Luke walked towards us with Elena. I gasped as i saw her.

"ELENA!!" I hugged her and he smiled back at me.

After hugging Elena, i hugged Luke.

Then the door opened and the rest of the team peeled in the house.

I smiled at them and looked back at Luke.

"follow me" Luke said walking towards a large table with maps and there was a large flat screen pinned to the wall (not literally tho)

on the screen was a house with a family car parked near it. i assumed that it was the family of the guy we have to protect.

I look at the map and saw roads. All of them leading to the house.

"So as you can all see. All those roads..'' luke said showing the roads ''pass near the house of our victim.Which means?"He finished looking at all of us questioningly

Back on the road (Sequel to Be fast Be furious)*COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now