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I stood there shocked and smiled looking at my belly and placing my right hand on it.

"Betty i heard the beep. Come on Betty" i heard mia say.

I grab the test and walked out of the bathroom.

Mia was standing there with her hands on her hips looking ready to explode.

when she saw me walk out her facial expression soften.

I showed her the test and she squealed and hugged me tight.

" This is actually what you wanted darling. Let's go tell Dom. " she said

"NO!!" i said loudly. Mia looked at me confused and i shook my head and whispered no.

"Why?"she asked

"Are you sure he won't turn his back on me when he knows. And i want to keep it a surprise." i said with a small smile.

"Betty,Dom will never turn his back on you. He wants a family remember. And you know that Dom is really smart, he will know" Mia said softly.

I smile at her and said.

" i know but i want to keep it a surprise. Don't tell anyone please."

"Ok. I'm going to hide the test" she said. We walked back towards my room and we talked for some minutes and i fell asleep.


I woke up to shuffling around me. I open my eyes and look around and saw Dom packing some bags.

"Where are you going?"i said worried. Did he know? Oh god he is leavnng me.

"WE are going to New york." he said planting a quick kiss on my forehead.

I immediately relaxed and got out of bed.. I took a shower and got dressed.

I look at my flat belly and sigh. I was so scared. What if i wasn't a good mom?

i shook my head and breathed in and walked out the bathroom. I walked in the direction of the living room and everyone was standing around Luke who was telling the plan.

"..we go to New York, find this motherfu+ker and stop him" he finished looking at everyone

"Question how do we find him?"Roman said

"The eye of God. Obviously" Brian said.

Roman nodded and said quickly.

"But they may find us too. I don't really want to die this year you know.". and he started to enumerate all the things be had to do in life.

"Roman don't think to much. You'll get another forehead on your forehead"Tej said placing his hands on the big forehead of roman.

I burst out laughing when Rome started to insult him.

"OK! Lets go" Luke interrupted them.

I walked over to the group and went to grab my bag when a hand stopped me. I looked up and saw Dom. He grabbed my bag and his and walked out the house followed by everyone.

oh my god. Did he know? Oh no, he will say i'm keeping such an important thing. Oh my God.

ughh i'm so stupid. If dom knew i was preggo he would have talked to me.

Being pregnant causes Paranoia.

I walked out the door and hugged Mia. She was staying there wuth her kids.

"Stay careful. Remember your condition."she whispered. I nodded and whispered yes back.

I got in my car and we all drove towarda the airport.

After going through everything at the airport, we got in our private jet. Actually Roman's jet and took off towards New York.

All if this seems like Deja vu. Luke last year when we had fly to London. But one thing was different. I was pregnant.


i know its shorter than usual. i have some writers block.

I may be updating again this weekend or on Tuesday.

also i may be doing this book shorter than the firat one because i have other books to finish but well see.

Thank you all comment
posters. i appreciate it and also the voters.

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love ya all taratata

Back on the road (Sequel to Be fast Be furious)*COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now