15. I do

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"I do"

"I do"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest said

Everyone watched as Brian and Mia kissed.

I clapped loudly next to dom. Mia and Brian decided it was time to seal there love a week after mine and dom's wedding.

Little Letty was the flower girl and Maya, Tommy's daughter gave the rings.

We were in Dominican Republic. We all wanted to come here to relax after everything that happened and the ups and down.

I am eight and a half month pregnant and the baby is a boy . We decided to come to the Dominican republic this late because before that there was a lot to do.

I was smiling brightly as i saw the happiness shining through Brian's and Mia's faces. We threw rice at them as tradition when they walked past us.

Then there was just a party where Mia and Brian disappeared from.

I understand them fully. After our wedding ceremony, me and dom couldn't keep our hands from the other.


A week after the wedding, we were all at the beach and doing a  picnic.

I was in a baggy white dress with flip flops sitting on the sand and watching Brian and Mia playing with Letty and Jack.

The team was talking but i just kept looking at the newly married couple.

I stood up and started to walk around on the beach, not going far from the group.

I looked down and saw a beautiful seashell.

It was a light pink and aqua blue.

I bent down to pick it up but i heard a pop and like the noise of someone peeing.

I look down at myself feeling weird and saw damp sand  beneath me and i was standing on the dry sand.

I started to panic as i felt a light flutter of pain go through me and held my baby bump.

Dom ran towards me and asked me what was wrong.

"My water just broke"

"Its happening?" He asked wide eyed and i nodded smiling.


"YES DOM!Get me to the hospital NOW"i said getting a tight hold of his shirt.

"Ok. Guys lets go" he said and then he scooped me in his arms and ran towards his car.

Everyone was following us as dom drove towards the hospital.


We quickly got there and i think Mia or someone called them as a wheelchair and a Nun was waiting for us.

Dom made me sit on it and the nun directed me to a room.

I spent five hours there suffering contractions and waiting.

Dom was sitting next to me all dressed up like a doc.

He wanted to assist.

The urge of pushing started to come but it was light. Even so dom called the nurses.

And i started to push.

One hour later,after hard pushes and shouts, our baby boy was here

A baldy little guy with my eyes, dads nose and mouth.Everyone loved him. His dad didn't want to leave him alone

He was sleeping and i too drifted off, hoping for my little boy to be safe.

Welcome to the world 

Antony Vince Toretto

-It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile.Winning's Winning-


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