6.Shit just got real

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The next day was the day all hell broke lose.

Let me explain.

I woke up like everyday, kissing Dom and doing my morning routine.

We all ate breakfast together and afterwards everyone went to their own occupations. I was with Mia talking with letty playing with small toy cars and eating ice cream. She hates dolls.

I remember suki gave her a Barbie the other day and Letty threw it away.

Anyway we were talking ans Mia was telling me about her life when she was young. It was a really studious life. Dom wanted her to become a doctor. She was interested in becoming a doctor too but Brian came in her life and with Brian came problem.

Mia grabbed Letty that was half asleep while eating ice cream. She was soo cute. And placed her in her crib.

I walked outside and saw Dom and Luke looking at a pc screen.

"What the hell are you doing?"i said outloud.

"I just got this from someone anonynous. But i know its that bastard." luke said

I walked towards them and saw a photo of the team, everyone was in that photo.

Shit he knows we are a team.

"Well now the plan is fucked up. You can't get him from behind now." I said.

"We are trying to think of a plan now." dom said.

I sigh and everyone gathered around the computer.

They looked at it with shocked expression.

"Shit just got real" rome said.

I felt so so bad. There life are in danger because of me.

"I'm sorry guys."i said my boice cracking.They all.looked at me in confusion."i'm endangering your lives. All of you and i am sorry."

They shook their heads and suki came towards me and gave me a hug. Everyone hugged me. And i was just in the middle of the group tears sliding down my face.

Damn me being emotional and all.

They stopped hugging me and Tej looked at Dom with a serious face and said.

"What do you propose man."

"We wait" Dom said.


That night there was a street race and we didn't want to miss it. Dom didn't want me to race so by precaution he drove towards the race with me in the passenger seat and also because my car was being fixed up.

We got out of the car and as usual a crowd formed around him. He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked around a bit.

I could feel eyes on me, i know what you may think-its normal,your at a street race- but those eyes were up to no good.

We walked back towards the crew and started to chat.

I looked around but didn't see suki.

"Where's suki?" I asked.

"Racing maybe."Rome said.

"She can't be racing her car is here"i said showing the bright pink car.

"Lets go look for her." dom said. We nodded but before we could move my phone started to ring.

I saw suki's name on the screen and answered.

"Suki where you at girl"

"Suki is not available for now." A girls voice said.

I instantly got a hard look on the face. Dom looked at me frowning.

"If you want to see suki breathing again bring the Eye of God with you.I'll be sending the adress after our little chat"she said. I could feel that she was smirking.

"We'll know if you are bringing the police with you. If you do she dies" the bitch said.

"Don't worry we'll come. And when i see you i'm gonna bash your head against a wall or a car so hard that you'll forget the alphabets."i said threateningly.

I heard Rome mutter.

"She really is Luke's sister."

"We'll see who gets the upper hand" she said and hung up.

I put my phone in my pocket and looked at Dom with a pained expression.

"They have suki" i said. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I took it out and saw the adress.

It was an underground parking where a shopping center was being built.

We all got in our cars and drove there.


Hey everyone i'm sorry for the late update.
My laptop's charger stopped to work and while i was writing the chapter it shut down. So i had to rewrite it again.

So i'm now using my phone to update and i'm sorry for the typos and all.


Love ya all✌

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