11.Dom always there

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I drove quickly towards the house. Weirdly there were no car or house along that road just a road and it was like a kind of abandon zone.

Suddenly a car was driving in front of me and when i looked in the rear view mirror i saw another one. These cars are not from the team and obviously not from Luke's crew.

I grabbed the walkie talkie thing and went on dom's walkie talkie station.

"Dom, Dom i'm surrounded. There's a car in front of me and one behind me." I said.

"Get out of here betty"i heard him. I could hear the panic in his voice.

I looked around and looked for a place to escape but i saw trees on my right side blocking me and on my left side was like a slope that ascended on high. I couldn't go up there it would be too hard to get up there

"I don't see a place to go Dom" I said worried.

I looked in my rear view mirror and saw that there was a passenger in the car behind me and he was getting what looked like a gun ready. Shit.

I looked at the car in front of me and it was the same story.

"Shit, Dom they are going to shoot me. They are readying guns dom"I said panic surging through me.

"Shit, I'm coming to help you.Hang on"

I kept my attention on the dudes and just when the guys in front of me pointed his gun at my car, I don't know where he came from but dom slammed his car against the enemy.

I sigh.

"Babe slam on your brakes." I heard dom say. I was scared i may get in an accident and lose the baby but i did as Dom told me.

I slammed on the brakes and my car slammed into the other. I didn't feel any pain just that my car is now damaged. But when i did that the car behind me slammed into mine and spun out of control.

I smiled relieved and followed Dom.

After some minutes we arrived at the house and saw  black SUVs. We parked a bit far from the house with the others.

"Bet are you alright."I heard Ramsay through the walkie talkie say.

"Yeah Dom was there to save me." I replied then i heard dom.

"I'll always be there to save you"

I looked at him through the window and smiled at him.

Suddenly we heard Gun shots that came from the building.

We all got out our cars and started to run to the building.

"Betty,you stay there"Brian said pushing towards my car. I looked at him frowning.

"No i'm coming with you"

"You fucking stay there. Mia told me. STAY THERE"

My eyes widened. MIA.

"What if you need me Brian".

"I told you to stay there." Then he ran towards the house.

Damn he talked to me like i was a fucking dog.

When i get back home i will personally kill Mia. But on the right side,It was a person in less to tell the news.

I heard more gunshots and got more worried. I grabbed my gun that was in the passenger seat and got it ready.

Suddenly the door burst open and i saw everyone run out and i saw Roman with a passed out Ramsay in his arms. They got in there car and i started mine.

Back on the road (Sequel to Be fast Be furious)*COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now