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It's been 1 weeks since Shinchiro revealed himself.  Emma and Hina wants to go to the shopping so they take  Izana, Mikey and their friends. "Why are we here?" Rindou asked as he carried 3 shopping bags. "To help our boss's sister and her girlfriend I guess" Ran replied. Everyone expect Koko and Inui were carrying shopping bags. While Inui and Koko is looking for heels. Inui and the girls dragged them to the shop. They began to try some heels . Every heels Inui tried is perfect on him. "Dang Michi they are good" they heard a female saying.  The name Michi is quite familiar to them so they look at where the sound came from.  Then they saw Takemichi and a girl. The girl was good looking . She had a black hair with blue oceanic eyes similar to Takemichi. There's is a tattoo of flower on her left hand. "Who is she" Baji asked. "Who knows maybe his new girlfriend" Hitoshi replied.  Then they noticed that Takemichi was trying to find some good heels. "I don't know that Takemichy wear heels" Mikey said. "Me too" Izana said as he looked at Michi and the girl. "That heel looks expensive" Inui said.

The heels that Takemichi choose.

Imagine this is Takemichi

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Imagine this is Takemichi.

"Wow he looks pretty good on them" Ran said

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"Wow he looks pretty good on them" Ran said. Hitoshi tsked. "Damn Michi why the hell are you so good in them" the girl asked. "It's because I always wear heels. So my foot fits perfect for them" Takemichi replied with a smirk. Then he try another heel that seems to  be more girly type.

"Michi isn't it bit girly" the girl asked

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"Michi isn't it bit girly" the girl asked. "It's not for me it's for my badass sis in law" Michi replied. "Oi I can buy myself heels for her" the girl said. "And you have bad taste in selecting heels" Michi said. "Whatever. But I am really excited to see you in an maid outfit " the girl said with a smirk. 'In what' Mikey and others thought. "Tch if it isn't for the mission I wouldn't have agreed to this" Michi said . "Mission ?" Chifuyu asked. "Aww come on Michi why are you making a cloudy look" the girl asked. "What do expect from him. When his boyfriend dumped him" a male with blonde hair replied. "Tf!!" Michi and the girl yelled. "Don't yell" male said ."Yuu nii don't do that.  What if I punched you" Michi said. "Okay sorry" Yuu said. "So you look cloudy because he dumped you" the asked. "Sara, that boy was his first love remembered" Yuu said. Yuu and Sara sighed. "Izana was his 1 st love?" Draken asked. "Yes" Izana replied. "Enough Please stop stirring up about that.  We already talk about it" Michi said as he walked toward the counter to pay the bills. "You trusted him didn't you?" Sara asked. "Didn't I say enough of this topic" Michi said." Okay okay" both of them said. "It's just that I am curious about that you trusted someone else than us" Sara said. "Sara ni what do you want? Why are you picking up fight" Michi asked while trying to not to get angry. "Michi Sara please don't fight" Yuu said. Michi sighed as he walked toward a cafe. "So why did you call me" Yuu asked. "Wait a little bit" Sara said. "Hey guys" 2 black haired males said. "Hey Yuki and Yato nii" the trio's replied. "Mmm there is one person missing" Yuki said. "Sorry for been late" a black haired male with black eyes said. "You don't have to apologize Shin ni" Sara said . "Shin ni/ Shinchiro san!!" the stalkers said. "Why is nii san with them" Emma asked. "Moreover how did Shin ni know Hana" Izana said. "Let's hear what they gonna say" Draken said. Everyone agreed. "Now the Hanagaki sibling's squad is completed" Yuu said. Other chuckled and said " Yep". "So why did you guys called us here" Shinchiro asked. "By the way how was the date" they asked. "You guys just gather here to ask about my date" Shinchiro asked. "Not really . But how was it" Sara replied. "Is he taking good care of you?" Yuu asked. "He really is taking care of me" Shinchiro replied. "Mm good to know" they said. "So the reason why gathered here is because of-" Sara was about say the reason but she was cut off by  others. "Akane's birthday" they said. "Yep that's it" Sara said. "Nee san's birthday ? . But she is death" Inui said. "But how did they know her?" Koko asked. "If that  the matter I already arranged the place" Yato said. "I ordered her favorite cake" Yuu said. "I was in middle of shopping her birthday gift. So I only buy some dresses" Yuki said. "How many dresses did you buy?" Sara asked. "10 or 12 I guess" Yuki replied. "Just as I thought" others said. "I buy her some heels" Michi said. "Me too. She really loves heels" Shinchiro said . "High five" Michi said as he raised his hand. Shinchiro and Michi high five.  "So what is your gift Sara?" Yato asked. Sara grin at  them. 'That's not looking good ' they thought. "I am giving her my brother in law" Sara replied. "Inui Seishu!!" They yelled. "Yep that's it. I just want my girlfriend to be happy" Sara replied. "Tf" Inui and Koko said . "Sara  you not going to pack in a gift box right ?" Yato asked. "I am not that stupid to do that" Sara yelled. "Just asked . I still remember that you packed Yuu in a gift box for Michi because he said that he missed Yuu as he went  to a vacation" Yato said. Everyone laughed as they remembered about it. "I should have died that day if Michi didn't opened the box earlier" Yuu said. Michi leaned towards Shinchiro's shoulder and rested his head. "Did you miss me that much?" Shinchiro asked in a sweet and calm voice . "I did" Michi replied. Shinchiro patted Michi's head. Michi closed his eyes. "How is Mom and Dad?" Shinchiro asked. "They enjoying their vacation" Sara replied. "They still acted like a newly married couples" Yuki said. "That's good to hear" Shinchiro replied. "And it's to see you can still walk after some last night exercise" Yato said with a smirk. "Yato nii san!!" Shinchiro yelled in embarrassment. While  others chuckled. "How did he found out about it" Wakasa said as popped out from nowhere scaring Mikey and others. "What the hell dude!" Baji said. "What are you doing here?" Mikey asked. "I just want to know what so important that he even cancelled our date" Wakasa said. Mikey sighed. "Who is that guy? The one who is resting on Shin's shoulder" Wakasa said. "Are you perhaps jealous~" Baji teased. "I am not.  And I asked about him is because Shin's  phone lockscreen pic is that guy" Wakasa said . "What!" Mikey and  Izana asked. "Hana" Shinchiro called. Michi hummed in reply. "I am sorry for what Izana did" Shinchiro said with a sad voice. Michi cupped Shinchiro's face and said "You don't have to say sorry for him. It was his decision". Shinchiro smiled and hugged Michi. "Aww my baby brother grown up" Shinchiro said. "I am not baby you old man" Michi said while trying to hide his blush. "Baby brother ?" Emma asked. "They are really misunderstanding you. They thought you join Toman is because of some other motive. They don't know what you were doing is for me. You met Izana for me. You act as weak so Mikey will become friends with you because you were similar to me" Shinchiro said. "Well I don't care what they think about me" Takemichi said.

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