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I suppose one thing about being suspended from school was now I had more time than ever to prepare for my photoshoot. Needless to say, my agents were not happy to see how banged up my face was thanks to Uraraka. "You're so lucky we have an effects artist for you heroes, I swear! You all never understand how get it together before you come in here!" The director already gave me a lecture about my face, in utter disbelief on it. Did he expect me to... not be a hero? Where do they hire these nutjobs?

It took nearly all afternoon for the effects artist to completely cover up the swelling of my eye and cheek as well as my busted lip. When I saw myself in the mirror, they definitely did cover up the imperfections that were created. However, I half expected to come out looking... better. A temporary plastic surgery or something like that. I stared into the mirror looking myself over. Everything was perfectly normal.

But who was this girl in the mirror?

I touched my hair in disbelief almost. There never used to be a shine. The makeup on my face made me look older yet younger at the same time. This girl in the mirror wasn't a night owl who loved fast food and she would never dare think doing anything as childish as watching anime. This girl had her life together, was likely on a diet, she was popular and iconic. She was in every way the ideal face that belonged on the cover of Japan's leading magazine, representing Lou Vuitton. Was that (Y/N)?

Derealization was a feeling I was becoming more and more familiar with, but it wasn't something I could afford to fall into now. Why was I stressing myself out anyway? I was reaching my dreams. Completing my goals. So why was I hesitating? Why was I scared? It was either my old self who was trying her hardest to hold me back or it was my period cycle causing my hormones to produce more anxiety than usual. What a convenient time for that time.

A knock from the door frame jolted me awake from my daze. I turned to meet Todoroki's soft eyes and my shoulders relaxed at the sight. I didn't even realize I was as tense as I was. You've got to calm down if you're going to make this gig work. I turned away from his gaze after holding it for a few seconds. I could see it all in his expression. "What is on your mind, Angel?" is exactly what I could read from him. That was not only obvious, but a discussion I didn't want to have. So I allowed the designers and artists to take control once again so I could avoid the topic.

Despite my efforts to avoid it, Todoroki stepped into the room and took a seat that was next to mine. "Nervous?" he would ask, but to my surprise, he said it in my first language. I couldn't help myself but snap my attention to him only to instantly regret it when the make up artist slapped the makeup brush against my temple. I couldn't even complain about her treatment, I nearly ruined her half hour of work. "Nervous? You think I have anxiety? Over some photos?" I said in English, basically scoffing at his audacity to pretend he could speak to me in a language he hardly understood.

Just like I thought, the boy cowered at the language and returned to his standard Japanese. "I just hope you're not thinking about your suspension, you should be focusing on the photoshoot. It's good to put yourself first," he reminded me. Well, I wasn't thinking about my suspension at all, but thanks for bringing it up. I side-eyed him and hissed a groan. My hormones were definitely out of whack, but something about his assumptions really drove me up the wall. The assumptions of my character, the assumption of my worries, the assumption of everything. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind," I said, trying my best to bite back the venom in my tone.

Even despite my nasty words, Todoroki didn't back down. Perhaps he was getting used to my tone. "Listen... I just wanted to say that you have nothing to fear or be worried about. What happened that day was something I completely understand. You thought Uraraka was your friend. I don't know the details, but I want you to know that I... am going through something similar with someone else. Betrayal hurts, and it's not something that you can simply get over. I know," Todoroki confessed, craning his head closer to get a better look at my face. I didn't want to hear his lecture towards me and almost didn't give it the peace of mind. But when he mentioned that he was going through a similar situation, my interest piqued and I turned my head slightly to face him. Someone else? He was having beef with someone else for betrayal? In that moment, I remembered the fight he had with Midoriya in the hotel room and slowly, the pieces came together.

Friends with Benefits (Todoroki x Midoriya x Reader x Bakugou) LEMONWhere stories live. Discover now