t h i r t y - n i n e

217 9 1

F r e s h m a n  Y e a r

"Your quirk doesn't only heal other people, but it can be passed onto any other living matter. You could use this towards villains when you're in danger, (Y/N). That's an insane advantage if you think about it," Midoriya explained to me, using his pencil to circle and underline details from his notes. He spoke fast, but I was able to keep up with his ramblings. Still, I could feel myself grow pale from the image that formed in my mind.

When I graduate, I'll be in the face of danger every single day. Just as easy as I could take a life, my life could be taken to. Even though we are trained to have mercy and bring villains to the authorities, there will be multiple instances where that wouldn't be possible. So the question remained; Would I have the ability to act first? Could I take a life before mine is?

The answer was simple. Absolutely not.

So with that confirmation in mind, I sunk into my chair and whined. Midoriya, stopping in the middle of his ramble, looked over at me and quickly jumped to a conclusion. "Oh- I'm boring you, aren't I? I'm so sorry, your quirk is just so useful in so many situations-" he started, but I quickly waved it off.

"No, no that's not the problem. I'm suddenly regretting even coming to the hero academy..." I admitted, pulling my hoodie over my head and pulling the strings until my face was completely submerged in the fabric. Had this been anything but independent study with a teacher other than Aizawa, then I was definitely risking expulsion since hoodies weren't allowed. Today was a good day to study and train on specific things we wanted. So thankfully, I could throw my fit in peace and comfort.

"Come on, (Y/N). You already beat the entrance exam. You already know you're capable," Midoriya tried to reason. Sure, it earned getting my face out of the hoodie, but only to scowl him down. "You know damn well we both got lucky with that exam, Midoriya Izuku," I reminded him.

That was enough said for him. He closed his notebook and sunk into his own chair, throwing his own fit. Yep, we were both losers before we could ever be considered heroes. With his remarkable takedown of a robot that literally meant nothing and my healing that threw me into a full blown panic attack with all the wounds I was tallying up, I'm almost convinced U.A. had a pity system.

But geez, I did not want to be a fucking doctor, that's for sure... I thought to myself, closing my hoodie slowly. Maybe the military was still an option. But then I might as well just be a hero...

As I went through my weekly tangent of trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life with its newfound freedom, Uraraka smiled in our direction causing us to immediately look her way. "Deku! Come sit with me for lunch!" Uraraka called over. As if on cue, the bells chimed to signify it was time for our lunch period. Everyone around us started to gather their belongings to head over to their lunch places. Some stayed behind with the bentos they already had prepared, others moved towards the cafeteria. Midoriya and I switched between the two, but we mostly went to the cafeteria. Especially since Lunch Rush was on staff today.

Midoriya perked up at the sound of her voice and his cheeks grew in color when he saw her. I couldn't help but smirk at how he was practically head over heels with her. I couldn't blame him or anything, I could understand it from his shoes. Still, she was a lucky girl.

"For sure, let's go now," he agreed, quickly putting away his notebook and other school belongings he had for class. Before he left, Midoriya turned towards me. "You should come with, (Y/N). Lunch Rush should be making your (f/f) today!" Midoriya reminded me, gesturing over to the door.

I blinked at Midoriya and nodded. Of course, I would love to. I started to gather my things myself, but I couldn't help but notice the expression Uraraka held. She smiled at the invitation. However, I could see it in the way she winced that wasn't exactly fond of the idea. Yet again, I was reminded of how I was the third wheel and suddenly it felt better to spend my lunch in the courtyard today.

Friends with Benefits (Todoroki x Midoriya x Reader x Bakugou) LEMONWhere stories live. Discover now