t w e n t y - t w o

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"I'm sorry, I tried to get you home before the last train... I lost track of time," Todoroki sighed, releasing a breath as we entered the building. All I could do was hum in response. In the depths of my mind, I assumed that Todoroki planned for something like this. After all, this whole night was just far too convenient.

"I can just get a hotel, seriously. I don't want to bother you," I said, letting go of Todoroki's hand. I wasn't thrilled about buying a hotel room, if I'm honest. My photoshoot money hasn't come in yet and I was already broke from paying my rent and whatnot. Putting such a dent in my income wasn't exactly ideal, but I felt better with that option than what Todoroki had planned. Still, he shook his head and quickly returned his hand in mine and squeezed it gently. "I won't make you go through the trouble, let me make it up to you," Todoroki insisted. Like that wouldn't give me another red flag.

I mean, I wouldn't be (Y/N) if I didn't see the red flags here. Sure, I had a great night, but within the same day of me getting rejected by my crush, Todoroki swoops in to take me out. After that, he asks if we could take it slow and I agree since I was caught in his trap anyways. Despite saying we would take it slow, he accidentally loses track of time and refuses to let me rent a hotel room for the night. Now, here we are, walking into his apartment building that already made my jaw drop to the floor.

Not only did the news of him moving out of the dormitories give me a shock, but this place screamed privileged. Being here somehow felt like an honor more than anything else, even at this hour. I didn't belong here and under any other circumstance, I would've never been here. I cleared my throat as we stepped up towards the elevators, even giving Todoroki's hand a squeeze back to express my anxiety. At the point of no return, in a completely new world, Todoroki was the only thing familiar here that I found myself using as a safety net.

Even with my heart pumping the way it is, I couldn't help but feel some excitement for this as well. Who wouldn't be curious about Todoroki's first place? Turns out that most of the boxes I saw at the dormitories earlier today belonged to him. He started the move earlier this week as soon as the renovations were done. The attitude I gave him for the whole photoshoot encouraged him to get the process over with, I think. It was all behind us now, so at least now Todoroki would now be comfortably moving in.

Now that we were semi-dating, I guess this means more privacy for us. I agreed to take it slow with him. That didn't hold much in this moment, yet it felt like I made one of the biggest decisions of my life as the elevator climbed higher. In the pit of my stomach, I began to feel a weight. It wasn't anywhere near our first time doing that stuff, yet it felt like it was all over again. He was bringing me back to his place after a date, so was I wrong to assume that was what the intention was? He definitely wanted something in return for taking me to such an amazing place and paying the bill... So the insecurity and anxiousness arose and I felt like a virgin, questioning if I was really ready for this.

Bakugou flashed in my mind and I remembered the way he looked into my eyes. His "seasonal depression" that seemed more like love and care that I was just out of reach for. After tonight, I had to let Bakugou go. For good. While Bakugou looked down at me, laughed at me, and interrogated me when I revealed my feelings, Todoroki carefully accepted them and made up for Bakugou's treatment when he didn't even have to. I was lucky to have Todoroki's love and care. Truly, I was. Right? I stared at the elevator door, which would open any moment.

Maybe it was the weight of the day coming down on me and starting to form walls around me, but I felt almost... trapped. As much as I actually enjoyed Todoroki's company, I wanted to go home. I wanted to have a nice, warm bath and be in my own bed. I wanted to lay there and cry or aggressively get off to porn, whatever my choice of coping would be. There was another part of me that actually wanted Todoroki's company. But I was hurt by someone else and because of that, I couldn't trust myself to make the right decision right now. Well, I already made the decision, but I was already beginning to second guess it. It happened way too fast, I answered while I was already emotional and not thinking. I didn't want to lead him on and hurt him the same way Bakugou hurt me.

Friends with Benefits (Todoroki x Midoriya x Reader x Bakugou) LEMONWhere stories live. Discover now