Badger People

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'Oi! Oi you lot, slow down!'

Naomi and the others had just reached the portrait hole when they heard the gasped yell echo down the corridor. Miles Frank, another Hufflepuff student, skidded round the corridor, his best friends, and identical twins, Sam and Matt Abbot hot on his heels.

'Hey I heard what you guys did to Corey!' He said, walking up to them, hands on hips. 'Not cool man.'

'No, not cool,' Sam butted in. 'Totally Awesome!'

'Yeah, that was hilarious!' Matt added, laughing hysterically.

Naomi grinned despite herself as the three buffoons rolled on the floor laughing at their house-mate's misfortune. Miles, Sam and Matt were sixth year Hufflepuffs; crazy, hyper and always up for a party, they were the only ones that could rival the four Gryffindors', who had renamed themselves the Marauders, pranking ability.

'It might have been hilarious,' James replied sullenly, 'but you're not the ones who have to miss the game this Saturday.'

The Hufflepuffs stopped laughing immediately and stared at James in shock.

'What!' screeched Miles.

'You're kidding-' said Sam.

'He didn't-'added Matt.

'He did.' replied Naomi darkly.

The quidditch match on Saturday which they would have to miss due to detention was between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. The first match of the term was going to be briliant and everyone was immensly geared up. The Gryffindor Seeker and Chaser however would now be missing.

Miles, the Seeker of the opposite team looked like he was about to cry. 'But James, without you Gryffindor has no chance of catching the snitch. You're the greatest seeker this schools had since your dad was here.' He paused and then added, 'apart from me of course.'

James shrugged grimmly. 'There's nothing I can do. Old Longbottom looked like he was about to explode, I've never seen him so mad before.'

Sam and Matt, the Hufflepuf Chasers, ran towards Naomi and, grabbing an arm each, began to howl. 

'But if you're not there-'

'-Then who are we supposed-'

'-To aim the bludgers at-'

'-The other chasers are no fun-'

'They always doge them!'

The twins giggled in a very unmanly way before running out of punching distance. Naomi glowered at them. That one time they had hit her with a bludger because she had been distracted while trying to catch the quaffle and they never let her live it down. 

'Um guys?' Jake said softly, deciding to put them out of their misery.

'Goddam it Jake, what do you want? I'm trying to wallow in self pity and drown in my own tears.'

Looking slightly amused Jake quietly replied, 'You really weren't listening, were you? Professor Longbottom said you were to have detention on Friday, not Saturday. You're not going to miss the game, only the pre-match training session.'

There was a moment of silence before the Hufflepuffs fell about laughing again while Naomi whooped and James hugged Jake for all he was worth. 'Yes, yes we're not missing the game! The world isn't going to end! Hallelujah! Praise the Wizard God! Praise Celestina Warbeck! Praise Salazar Slytherin's dirty undies!'

Jake sighed amid fresh peals of laughter from the badger people. 'James, the world was never going to end and I never want to hear anything about Slytherin's pants ever again. Anyway, you still have to tell Tom about missing practise.'

Miles smirked at the looks of pure fear that crossed the faces of James and Naomi at the mention of that name. 'Well,' he chuckled. 'Me and the boys better be off. I mean, who else is going to mock Corey if we're not there?'

Matt snorted. 'Only everyone.'

'Oh yeah,' grinned Miles. 'Well bye.' The Hufflepuffs waved goodbye and set off towards their common room. Jake turned towards his friends but they were still frozen in fear.

'Tom,' whimpered Naomi.

'Missing practise,' Groaned James. Jake shook his head, but they were right. Maybe he should get some popcorn from the kitchens, this was going to be a good show.

Tom, or Thomas Oliver Wood, was the Gryffindor quidditch team captain and his fanaticism was legendary, even more famed than that of his father. Quidditch ran in Thomas' blood and when he heard that Naomi and James would be mising the vital pre-match practise he would blow a gasket. Thank mercy they weren't missing the actual game.

'After you,' Naomi gestured to James.

'Oh no, ladies first,' he replied, bowing.

Jake chuckled and, having said the password, pushed them both through the portrait hole and into the crowded common room. He quickly clambered in after them, not wanting to miss any of the fun.

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