Uncle George

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'I have an announcement to make', James confided as he, Scorpius, Naomi and Jake lounged in their usual place by the tree next to the lake. It was their fourth week of lessons and nothing interesting had happened yet. 'As you know, we have been at school for a number of weeks now, and we have been perfect examples of well-behaved first years. That's about to change.' Scorpius sighed, putting his head in his hands, but Jake and Naomi nodded eagerly. 'Like my father, and his father before him', James continued pompously, 'I intend to carry on the noble tradition of... Pranking.'

'Noooooooo', Scorpius screamed, falling dramatically to the floor. 'Not the', he gulped loudly, 'PRANKING!'.

'Yes!' James laughed evilly, doing some kind of deamonic war dance. Naomi and Jake joined in, leaving Scorpius groaning on the floor in fake agony, and drawing some seriously weird looks from a group of seventh years, who were studying on the other side of the lake. After a couple of minutes, they all collapsed, laughing hysterically, onto the grass. When they had eventually hiccupped themselves into into silence, James spoke again. 'Now this is not a task to be undertaken lightly. The mantle of misbehaviour has been passed down through three generations of Potter men, originting with the great Marauders themselves.'

'Don't forget Uncle George. Dad said he used to be a pranking king along with his twin Fred.' Naomi piped up. 'What happened to your uncle Fred?' asked Jake curiously. 'He died in the Battle of Hogwarts, but that was before I was born' Naomi explained. Keen to avoid the awkward silence that was beginning to settle on the group, James said, 'Uncle George only has one ear'.

'Cool!', exclaimed Jake, as Scorpius moaned, 'Gross.'

'Nah. it's awesome', said Naomi, 'It got cursed off by a death eater whilst he was helping James' dad escape from his home.' James then proceeded to noisily mime getting his ear cut off, falling to the floor and rolling around yelling. Scorpius rolled his eyes. 'You said pranking?' he prompted.

'Oh yeah,' James jumped up, 'so I think we need to do a fabulous prank to ensure our reputation as top prankers. Any ideas?'

They thought, but couldn't come up with any ideas that were practical as well as effective. Soon lunch break was over so they agreed to talk later.


 That evening, they met up in the Great Hall for dinner. After eating, they made their way to the library, with much protesting from James, who had hoped to last at least a year without 'setting foot in that dreaded place' as he said. Naomi rolled her eyes and said, 'I think we should write to Uncle George for ideas.'

'Won't you get in trouble?' asked Scorpius cautiously. 'My dad would go ballistic if he found out I was going to do a prank.'

'Uncle George is awesome'. James said, 'He'd never turn us in. Do you know the shop Weasley Wizard Wheezes?' Scorpius and Jake nodded. 'He runs it'. This statement was received with great admiration and queries about getting free things. Although Fred had died long ago, George had decided to keep the shop open and it was as popular as ever.

'So that's decided. We will ask him for ideas and hope he replies as soon as possible' Naomi stated, pulling out her quill and some parchment.

'What about James' dad?' Asked Jake. 'You said he was a great troublemaker as well.' James groaned, 'Yeah but he always tells mum everything and then she'd go ballistic, even worse than Grandma Weasley.' They laughed at the pained look on James' face and started to write the letter.

Dear Uncle George,

We have a problem and need your advice. We would like to follow in your footsteps, but we do not think that Ginny and Hermione will be as encouraging. We feel that in order to start our reputation as prankers we need to pull off something big, and this is where we need your help. It must be spectacular and practical. Please help, and DON'T tell Ron or Harry because they will tell Ginny and Hermione, and that would cause so much unnecessary trouble.

From Naomi, James, Scorpius and Jake.

'That should do it.' James said as they headed towards the owlry to post it. They sent it off with Naomi's owl, Ayr, and headed back down to the main castle. They split up, Scorpius heading to the dungeons and Jake, James and Naomi to Gryffindor Tower. It was a Friday, so tomorrow they would be able to start planning their prank in earnest, assuming that George replied.


AN: Can't wait for the pranking to begin :) Please vote and comment xx

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