Cornish Pixies

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'Scorpius Malfoy' James hollered, as they entered the great hall. Looking irritated, Scorpius made his way over from the Slytherin table.

Neville smiled from up at the staff table. If only Harry and Ron could see their kids now, he thought, watching as they talked earnestly to the Malfoy boy.

'What?' moaned Scorpius as he joined them at their table.

'We have a plan for the prank!' whispered Jake, getting Scopius' full attention.

'We need a stylish way of getting a nest of cornish pixies into the great hall during breakfast', Naomi said in a low voice. They paused as a prefect passed. James and Jake looked at her when they heard the addition to the plan, but Naomi shrugged. 'It's the busiest time of the day and the pixies are likely to cause maximum disruption' she explained. Scorpius, Jake and James grinned. 'Now we just need a way of getting them in there, without anyone realising that it was us.'

They lapsed into silence, trying to think. 'I have an idea' said Jake slowly, 'have you heard of any greek mythology?' They all shook their heads, so Jake explained. 'The greeks had lots of legends with famous heros, but at school we learnt about the Trojan war. In order to win, the Greek soldiers hid themselves in a giant wooden horse. The Trojans thought it was a peace offering so they took it into the city. At night, the Greek soldiers leapt out and killed everyone.'

'The crazy things that muggles will do' sighed James, shaking his head.

'But how will that help?' Naomi asked, puzzled.

'Think about it' explained Jake. 'If we hide the pixies in some kind of container and get some one else to open it, not knowing what's inside, then no one will know who did it.'

'Genius' said James, as Jake smiled modestly. 'We could send it in the post with a school owl, and then it couldn't be traced back to one of us. Oh this is going to be so cool'.

Finally the plan was complete. James would collect the cornish pixies in a small wooden box, which would then be charmed shut. The box would then be posted to Headmistress Mcgonagal, using a school owl. When it arrived in her place at breakfast, Naomi would end the charm that was locking it shut, from the saftey of the entrance hall. The pixies would then be free to wreak havoc throughout the Great Hall and the four would hide so they could hear what was going on, but hopefully wouldn't be caught. There was no way it could go wrong.


Two days later, they were ready. Naomi had learnt the colloportus and alohamora charms from some books she had bought for background reading and early that morning, they sneaked the slightly buzzing box up to the owlry, where they tied it to one of the owls, to take to the great hall during breakfast. They watched it go and then sped down to the entrance hall to watch the show.

They saw the box land on Mcgonagal's table and Naomi quickly uttered 'Alohamora'. Suddenly the box sprang open and a swarm of electric blue pixies shot into the hall. Soon shrieks and yells were echoing through the hall, with students running pell mell out of the huge oak doors.

'Quickly, in here', Naomi giggled, puling the three gasping boys into the nearby broom cupboard. They laughed so hard that tears ran down their faces, as they heard the headmistress screaming for calm. The chaos went on for at least 15 minutes, until it sounded like all of the pixies had been recaptured. 'Prank accomplished' yelled James and they all hi-fived.

Suddenly the door was wrenched open. In the frame stood a very thin-lipped Mcgonagal. She looked livid.


AN: haha, 'they're in trouble, some one came along and burst their bubble, uh oh'. Love that song :) Don't forget to comment, fan and vote. enjoy...

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