Scorpius and Jake

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Naomi and James collapsed into the seats and sat there in silence, each occupied with thoughts of Hogwarts and the sorting. Neither of them had any doubt that they would be placed in Gryffindor. There was a tap at the door and they looked up to see Scorpius from the platform. 'Hey can I sit with you guys?' he asked.

'Sure' James replied, shoving up to make room for him. Just as Scorpius sat down, there was another tap on the door and a tall boy with short, strawberry blonde hair stood nervously outside. 'Hi, do you mind if I sit here?' he asked quietly. 'Everywhere else is full.'

'Sure', Naomi replied and he sat down next to her. 'I'm Naomi Weasley. This is Scorpius Malfoy and-'

'James Sirius Potter II, at your service', James interrupted, prtending to tip an invisible cap at the boy ad bowing low. Naomi rolled her eyes as Scorpius laughed and the new boy grinned. 'I'm Jake' he said. 'Jake Thornby. I'm muggle-born' he added. Naomi looked at him 'And?' she asked, raising her eyebrows. 'My mum is muggle-born and she was top of her class.' Jake smiled, looking a lot happier and joined in with the conversation on houses. 'So what were they again?' he asked.

'Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart' said James magnificently 'There are some others too but we don't really bother about them' he added as an after thought.

'Hey', said Scorpius, looking indignant, 'My whole family was in Slytherin'

'And a wonderful house it is too' said James, not missing a beat. Naomi laughed and turned to Jake, 'The houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. My whole family was in Gryffindor, as was James', and I hope that's where I'm put'

'Well the houses all sound fine, so I don't mind' said Jake thoughtfully. Just then an old lady came down the train, pushing a large trolly laden with sweets, chocolates and cakes. 'Anything from the trolly dears?' she asked kindly.

James and Naomi jumped up and bought something of everything. 'Hungry are we?' Scorpius smirked.

'Shu-up' James said through a mouthful of couldren cake. The ride passed pleasantly and they got changed into their robes. Just before the train stopped, James said 'I think we should make a pact. Whatever houses we end up in, we will all stay friends. Agreed?' Everyone nodded. Jake spat on his hand and offered it to shake. Scorpius looked at him in shock. Jake shrugged 'It's an old muggle thing used to seal pacts.'

James grinned and spat on his hand, as did Naomi and finally Scorpius. They all shook and grinned at each other in excitement as the train stopped. They grabbed their things and ran onto the platform.


Okay, so I hope you liked it. Please comment and say if I should continue as I dont want to write if no-one's going to read. thanking you :P xx  

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