New beginnings

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Hey guys, I'm back! I'll try to post more oneshots and continue this story, it's just been so difficult to find time since I'm taking 4 AP classes between therapy and my dog got cancer and the other got hit by a car a while ago 😭 (she's alive!)

A small chapter just for some content to say this story isn't dead yet <3

--Sal pov--

Travis had fallen asleep a few minutes ago; I wasn't sure what to do now. He was definitely not okay. The stuff he was saying wasn't normal. Of course, I was happy he could vent, but what he said felt off-putting.

I couldn't help but wonder what happened to him to cause a reaction like that or to drink until he couldn't function. I felt this wasn't the first time he had done this either.One hand rubbed his back while the other pet the puppy's stomach on my other side. I smiled at its blissfully happy face.

I looked back over to Travis. He still looked fucked, but I was okay with that. His blonde hair curled around his face, and he leaned away from me- I was sure he would fall over any second.I wandered off once I decided he would be fine on his own. Artemis followed me as I walked out of the room, keeping the door open, and off to the bigger space.

It was a relatively small apartment; the bedroom connected to the kitchen led to the small living room. It was a cute space; I would be happy with it myself. The only issue was the self-destructive messes scattered around the floor and counter space.

I couldn't blame him much, though; I wasn't too clean either, and he seemed nocturnal, having less time to tidy up.

I sat on the black velvet couch and scrolled through my phone as I petted Artemis. He was very social; apparently, he already liked me. I couldn't get a break from petting him, and was covered in licks. I was surprised I didn't wake Travis up from my laughter.

6 a.m. quickly arrived, and I was about to pass out from exhaustion when I heard stumbling and a door slam.

I Guess Travis is awake. I followed the sound and knocked on what I assumed was the bathroom door.

"You alright, Travis?" He responded with a long, tired hum. I walked back to the couch, waiting for him to be done. Faint gagging and puking could be heard behind the door. Just the sound made me nauseous. I held my stomach in discomfort, waiting for him to be done.About twenty minutes had passed before Travis walked out to the living room. He jumped back a bit when he saw me, obviously not expecting me to still be here.

"Uh, hey." I gave a small wave. He glared. I wanted to run out as fast as possible.

--Travis pov--

Memories of last night were a blur. Sal, Phillip, cake, walking. I tried to remember what led to this.

Phillip, right.

"Thanks for staying; you didn't have to do that, Sal," I said with a huff, my discomfort showing. I wanted to show my gratitude, but I felt uncomfortable about how we ended things in high school. Or, rather, the way I pushed him away and ruined any chance of real human connection."Of course, Trav. Least I could do."

Trav. That nickname used to send me into heaven. Now, that same dizzy feeling came back, and I looked over at him on the couch, but a knot formed in my stomach. He was still too kind for his own good and wasted it on people who didn't deserve it. I could admire that, but he shouldn't go through being affected by other people's mistakes.

"Thanks. But I'm fine."

"I'll be heading out then... It was nice seeing you, Travis. I hope to hang out again." He lightly punched my shoulder and laughed.

I stayed quiet and forced a smile to be polite. Sure, having your high school crush walk you home after years of no contact. Nice.

Fuck, is this a fever dream? Or is this my own eternal hell?

I bit my cheek as a strange silence formed between us. Suddenly, I spoke and looked back at him at that peculiar prosthetic.

"Let me repay you at least? I think we have a lot to talk about, well, y'know. High school and all," I held my breath. God, this was stupid to even offer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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