⚠ Chapter 3 ⚠

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    (This is where the abuse begins so please beware and read with caution)

 After a while I've noticed that Amaya has grown a bit annoyed with all the royal friends I have and well, jealous as well. I honestly don't see the point of her jealousness I've never seen my friends other than just good friends. But one day when I came home, she did something I've never seen any  princess do. 

It started like any other day when I came home from visiting one of my friends, I was greeted with Amaya being yet again annoyed.

"Eliza, I thought we had a deal to go out to your garden for a picnic?" she asked a bit pissed

"We did make that deal love, but I just had to visit-" I began

"Shut the hell up" she cut me off "I'm sick of you bailing out on our date plans! it's pissing me off and I'm fucking done!" She shouted 

"Love, I have friends that are allies, I can't just push them aside for you." I told her in a calm tone "I'm sorry-" she then stopped me by slapping me in the face. I looked at her with wide eyes, the shock from what she did left me speechless, where was this coming from? It didn't stop there before I could ask why she slapped me she then closes her fist and punches, almost knocking me out, she then continued cussing and hitting me over and over, did I cry? no, it's a princess's golden rule: A princess doesn't cry no matter what's happened/happening. I could never hit her back regardless, it's beneath me, my nature, and how I was raised to me. Afterwards, she sat a far from me with a terrified look on her face..

"E-eliza.." She called my name with the sound of sorrow caught in her throat "Eliza! please talk to me, please.." She begged, I just stood there emotionless, I had no words, I just stood as blood dripped down my face.

"Elizanara, I'm sorry, I lashed out. that wasn't very right for me to do.." She said sincerely. 

"It's...fine.." I mean to croak in a monotone voice

She hugged me and sobbed, crying always showed sheer weakness.. I just stood as she hugged me while deep inside the stone around my heart rumbled. "I'm fine.." I lied to her causally, lying was the only thing I could do to ease her. All I knew then was: what if she truly didn't mean it and gets angry out of nowhere? I was still learning after all.

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