Chapter 10

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I saw an absolutely shocked expression on Shadow's face, what bothered me was why she looked so shocked? I then gently hopped off my stead and Shadow caught me instantly, I still continued to study her expression. What made her so shocked? I mean, her home is hell of all places, I'm sure she's seen worse. It wasn't that,

"You're not dead...nor are you showing signs of dying." Shadow said, she sounded a bit confused.

I smiled at her weakly and told her "there's a reason I say that I don't die easily Shadow."

"Regardless, Princess, I'm still going to tend to your badly injured abdomen, and you aren't changing my mind. period" She told me, Shadow then picked me up and carried me up to my room, all while my sister Jade stood in shock of my injury.

I tried to sit up but Shadow only kept making me lie down.

"Shadow, I'm fine.." I told her, she just shook her head at me.

"No matter, you need to rest, you're critically injured and should be dead." She said very persistent. I gave up on fighting her shortly after and I decided to just "sleep" I say that because I cannot really, truly sleep only because of my nightmares and insomnia. Yep, I'm an insomniac, it's not really a big deal.

I hated staying in bed, no one came around me because Shadow was being hella overprotective of me. It kind of made my still blood boil from within, but at the same time my goddamn un-dead heart pounded to life every single fucking time she was around me, it was a form of torture to me, I loved Shadow's company but I hated the way she was treating me. I wasn't getting anywhere with this, and she had to know that I can't be bed ridden.

"Shadow, listen, I appreciate the help. but I can't sit in bed all day" I said,

"I know, I know" She retorted "But you can't be damaging your organs further, you could end up rupturing them!" She exclaimed.

Of course she then covered her mouth, like I didn't know that was a possibility. Regardless, it won't kill me, I'll just be organ-less. No biggie.

"Shadow, I'll be fine." I told her as I got up and got dressed and then proceeded to head downstairs to continue my duties. I wasn't surprised that she looked a bit upset but, I'm still a princess and I still have my duties to fulfill.

(Sorry for the late update! hope you enjoy this chapter!)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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