7 (The Ouija Board Part 2)

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"Hey, Rhyleigh. Come here," I said in a frightened voice. Rhyleigh came up by my side and saw the board. "This is unsettling, but I'm not surprised," Rhyleigh reacted. "So we're fucked for life. Regardless of what we do, this bitch is going to keep coming back to us. Even if we lock it in a box. That's what we should have done in the first place". I was feeling angry that we were going to be harassed by an Ouija Board for the rest of our lives. Rhyleigh looked at it again and said, "We can just leave it right here and it will leave us alone". "Yes, but there is still a ghost possessing it, and the ghost isn't going to leave the board until it gets its revenge on us for going into the hospital. It could have unfinished business, but I don't really want to fuck with that shit. I kinda just want to let it get revenge on us so that we can just be left alone, and hope that its revenge isn't going to be too painful". "We COULD do that if you want to. Just let it finish what we started and get it over with, but that makes me anxious." Rhyleigh responded. "It makes me anxious too, but I really want to do it for some reason". Rhyleigh sucked it up an said, "you know what, let's do it".

We did the dumbest thing anyone could do in this situation, and put the Ouija Board on the floor to communicate with the ghost. "What do you want with us," I questioned the ghost with a shaky voice. We put our fingers on the piece and it went to the letters: F,O,L,L,O,W and M, E. An orb appeared and we thought for a second. "Should we?", "I want to try it," I responded to Rhyleigh.

Like idiots, we followed the orb out the door.

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