part 16 Dil ibaadat kar raha hai 🤩

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Tripathi house

Aditya is talking with someone on his call

Aditya: acha ohh 😮


Aditya: don't worry i had a plan


Aditya:i talk to you later

After that he cuts the call and  started taking imlie's name ... Seeing him shouting Everyone rushes to him and asked him why is he shouting so he simply said ones imlie came after that he going to tell everything

He continuously taking his name but he got no response so he himself go and checks her room and didn't find her their so he thinks that may be she goes out to meet that Aryan ...

Scene shifts

On the other hand imlie saw Aryan is going away so she just left behind him and started following him (they both are walking on a main road)

Imlie: abp just stop

Aryan: just go imlie

Imlie: i didn't go

Aryan: 😐

Suddenly imlie saw a car is coming towards Aryan she rushes to him and push him with full force which makes him lie on the other side and in the mean time that car hits imlie (it's just a normal one not that much big ok)

Aryan sees her he calls out her name and rushes to her immediately as soon as he reach to her he immediately hugs her with so much of love care concern and emotions

Seene se tum mere aake lag jao na
Song in background

After  that Aryan cupped imlie's face

Aryan:are you alright


Aryan: show me imlie did you get hurt some where

Imlie: no

After saying this she just faint and he carried her in bridal style and take her back to Rathore's mansion

After doctor came their he checks on her and informs him that she is fine

So now Aryan is sitting on balcany and thinks

Aryan's POV

I am sure if something is happened to imlie then i am not going to forgive myself ...

How i am being so care less when i promised my self that no one can harm imlie but i myself harm her i am a bad guy ...

I don't deserve her i don't deserve her love no i don't deserve her i have to take care of her but i am fail ...

He sits on his knees and started crying 😭😭😭

AS: you are right you don't deserve her but that Aditya he deserves her

Aryan: shut up he is not right for her

AS: ohh really. Then who is right for her

Aryan: 😐

AS:no just give me the answer damn it

Aryan: 😐

AS: you know what i don't think that you love her

Aryan: i love her

AS: then why are you not facing her

Aryan: you know the reason behind it

AS: look Aryan you have to fight for your love just try to understand .. just go and tell her everything i am sure she believes you because she

Aryan: because she

AS: ye baat udhaar rahi

After that his soul left  makes him confused 😕

So after sometime imlie gain consciousness

Aryan just sits beside her and seeing her wake up he make her drink water ...

Aryan: are you mad imlie what was that why did you do this if something happens to you

Imlie: if you are concerned for me then tell me the truth


Imlie: no abp not this time .. now i only want to listen the truth that's it

Aryan: imlie

Imlie: yaaa

Aryan: i want to tell you that


Aryan: imlie

Imlie: abp please don't solve the riddles jut tell me the truth right now

Aryan: imlie

Imlie : i want to listen

Aryan: i am ignoring and avoiding you because

Imlie: because

Aryan: because someone asked me to do so

Imlie: who was that

Aryan: aad

Imlie: what say it 🥺

Aryan: aad...

Precap: Aryan to tell imlie the truth ....
Is she trust him

Authors note :hii guys this is next chapter i know it is small but today i gave two chapters so don't mind and give your reviews it's important and now i meet you in next chapter till then take care and tata byee 😄

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