part 21 Dil ibaadat kar raha hai 🤩

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Aryan:who the hell are you came outside


So they both got shocked 😲


Person: surprise Surprise surprise  

Arylie:what are you doing here

Person:oh common  you both are such a fool what did you think that i don't ,(know anything you know what i have doubt on you two from starting but my doubt got cleared when i saw mr Rathore makes Sundar fall and he himself goes towards kitchen and when i follow you till kitchen mr tripathi i got shocked 😲 😳...but now you came here with your will but you can't able to go from their ....ha ha ha ha (evil laugh)

Imlie:or kitna giroge tum

Aryan: imlie their is nothing to talk with him because the person like him will never improves...

Imlie:i didn't expect this from you mr Aditya Kumar triphati ... I hate you

Aditya:awww... Imlie so what if you hate me but remember one thing i am going to marry you at any cost

Imlie:after Knowing about your true colours you really think that i marry you

Aditya:you have to marry me by hook or by crook

Imlie:shut up just shut up ok

Aryan:i kill you

Aditya:oh i got scared 😨... Ha ha what did you think of me am i seems to be a fool to you ...(after saying this he fires a bullet on air)

Imlie:abp are you fine

Aryan:yaa imlie don't worry .. but today i am not spare you mr tripathi

Aditya:tik tok tik tok ... You know what imlie this Aryan is the biggest problem of our life if i kill him then no body came in between us

Imlie:shut up how dare you

After that Aryan got angry and he started beating him very badly like today he surely going to killed him ....

Now fight became very dangerous like someone is surely going to die today ...

Imlie is crying for her abp she prays for his safety ....

(A/N:they both are fight near a cliff side area and it's very dangerous place)

Imlie:abp please

Aryan: Don't worry imlie but today i kill this disgusting man

Aditya:let's see who kill whom

While on the other side Narmada and Arpita reaches rathore mansion ..

Narmada: arpi just call aru i feel that something wrong is going to happen just call him

Arpita:maa i try his phone but it's unreachable

Then Narmada goes towards the idol of Sita Maiya ..

She started praying for the safety of his children she lights the diya for his safety but that diya got vanished ...


Narmada:arpi my aru i don't feel good please call him again

Arpita:maa his call is again not reachable

Tripathi niwas

Pankaj: Aparna ji where are the kids

Aparna:i don't know tripathi ji


Aparna:today i feel that something wrong is going to happen but don't know what

Pankaj:don't worry aparana ji

At cliff side

They both are still fighting and Aditya takes out gun from his pocket he is going to shoot Aryan but Aryan started snatching the gun from his hand they both are fought for the gun no one is ready to leave it ...

And suddenly their was a sound of gun shoot ...

Every one got shocked 😳😳😲

Precap: imlie 😭😭😭😭

Authors note:hii Everyone this is the next chapter of my FF i hope you all like this one also and please give your reviews on this well what you all think that goli kisko lagi hogi ...i catch you soon in next chapter till then take care and tata byee byee 🤩🤚

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