part 24 Dil ibaadat kar raha hai 🤩

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So Aditya is sitting on mandap for marriage and imlie sits beside him ...

(A/N: guy's mai shaadi ko skip kar rahi hu toh hum log sidha phero se suru karege ok and don't worry arylie ki shaadi pure Dhoom dham se karwaungi 😊)

P:chaliya ab var vadhu phero ke liye khade ho jaayiye
(Now both groom and bride stand for 7 circles )

As per pandithi's instructions they both got up and they complete the 6 circles but when they are taking 7 circle police arrived their and everyone got shocked 😳

IP: aditiya Kumar triphati

Aditya (hum hai (yes)

IP:you are under arrest

Aditya:but why what i have done in what basis you are arresting me

IP:dhokhadhadi ke kes mai(in froad charges)

Aditya:what ...who filed complaint against me

Imlie:(in mind) what is this ... Abp didn't told me that he is calling cops also and how dare he to change the plan at last moment ...

Meanwhile Aryan in imlie's room

Aryan: what are those noises ... Wait a minute what the hell is cops doing here now how should I excute my plan ... Well let's go outside and see what is going on ... Aryan you have to make sure that no one saw you let's go ..

Other side

Aditya:Up you din't tell me who filed complaint against me

Someone:i filled complaint against you mr Aditya Kumar triphati

Everyone saw towards main door and got shocked to saw the person in front of their eyes 👀

Aditya:you ...Malini how dare you to come here

Malini: how dare me U mr Aditya Kumar triphati .. IP please arrest him

Aditya:ohh really for what basis you wants me to got arrest

Malini:let me tell you mr Aditya Kumar triphati that i am your wife and i have your baby inside my womb and now you are getting married second time with my step sister without giving me divorce so .... IP please arrest him

Aditya:what the hell you don't arrest me like this

IP:you have to come with us mr aditiya Kumar triphati

Aditya:ok so then i gave divorce to Malini now after that you don't arrest me

IP:yaa after that i don't arrest you

Aditya:ok fine let me give divorce to you ms Malini chaturvedi

Aryan:wait inspector

Aditya got shocked after saw Aryan infront of her eyes while other members got happy including imlie ...

IP:yes mr Rathore

Aryan:IP please arrest aditiya Kumar triphati

Aditya:oh my god why you all are want me to got arrest

Aryan:IP please arrest him because he tries to kill me

Everyone:what 😲😲

Aditya:no he is lying

Imlie:sir he isn't lying i saw mr tripathi kill Aryan sir

Aditya:ohh really IP then you tell me if i kill that man then what is he doing here and why is she marrying with me ... Let me tell you it's all just a plan

Imlie:no sir he is lying please believe me

Aditya:if i lying then give some evidence against me

Aryan:here are the evidence

Everyone saw a video in which it is clearly visible that Aditya shoots Aryan and how he treathens imlie for marrying him ...

That video is recorded in imlie's phone because when she came to rescue Narmada and Arpita she calls Aryan and when she cuts the call her mobile's video Camera got open and it records everything ...

First imlie didn't know about this but after sometime she got a notification on her mobile phone ... And when see saw the video she got shocked and she saw that video to Aryan also after that Aryan makes a plan to exposed aditiya in front of everyone ...

IP:you are under arrest


Aparna came towards Aditya and slaps him hard on his face


Aparna:shut up don't you dare calls me maa with you dirty mouth ... Today i am ashamed that you are my son ...

Pankaj:Aparna ji it's not your fault ... Don't blame your self for his mistake

Aparna:triphati ji i don't want to saw his face please IP just take him away from my eyes

Aditya:i remember all this ... And imlie i promise you that if i am not happy then i didn't let you to be happy ... Just mark my words

Imlie:shut up and just get lost

IP: Bahadur arrest him

Bahadur:yes sir

After that cops takes Aditya with them and put him behind the bars ...

He had charges for getting married second time without giving divorce to his wife and attempts to murder ...

He is behind the bars till 15 years ...

Malini goes from their because she don't want to face anyone ...

Aparna:i am sorry Narmada ji what my son did with you i am sorry for that

Narmada:no you don't need to feel sorry Aparna ji it's not your fault


Narmada: please don't cry 😢😭 and let us leave now ... Aru arpi let's go home ...

Arpita:yes maa ..let's go

Aryan: imlie lets go ..


Imlie apologises from both Narmada and Arpita because she told the lies about Aryan ... And they both also forgive her ..

Precap:Aryan feels awkward 😳😳

Authors note:hii Everyone this is the next chapter of my FF i hope you all like this one also and please give your reviews i catch you all soon in next chapter till then take care stay safe stay healthy and tata byee byee 🤩🤚

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