The parents day - part 2

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Peters alarm rang and he got out of bed. He took a shower and then made himself breakfast because May was already off to work. Today was parents day and he really didn't want to go. But he had no choice if he wanted to stay Spiderman. So he got himself a sweatshirt, grabbed his backpack and left the apartment. He got on the bus in the last second and sat in the very back. Ned's Dad would bring him to school today so he had to manage the bus ride alone. But atleast Flash also wasn't there today so it was pretty uneventful.

Peter got out of the bus and already saw Ned who waved him over.

"Hey, Peter."

"Hey, buddy."

They did their handshake and then he shoon the hand of Ned's dad.

"Good to see you again, Mr. Leeds."

"Good to see you too, Peter. May couldn't make it?"

"Eh...No. She has to work but that's okay."

The school bell rang and everybody headed inside. Flash brought his Dad who was an engineer, Betty's mom was a doctor and Mjs dad worked as a lawyer.

Peter was the only one who had come alone today. He sat in the last row of the classroom and tried to seek as little attention as possible. But it was all over when Mr. Harrington stepped into the classroom.

"Good morning, everybody.", he said enthusiastic, "I'm so happy to see you all today here. It's always interesting for me to see where my students come from.", he stopped and looked at Peter, "Peter, where is your parent?"

Peter got angry. Mr. Harrington knew exactly that he lived with his aunt and that she worked much so he couldn't understand why he asked him the same question every year.

"Peter? Where is your parent?", he asked again.

"Machlepah cemetery.", Peter answered.
Mr. Harringtons chin almost touched the floor.

"How can you say such a thing?"

"You asked where my parents are and I answered truthfully. Machlepah cemetery."

"Peter, you shouldn't speak like that about your parents!"

"What? I just told you that they were dead, even though you already know that since you know me 'cause I lived with my aunt and uncle longer than I lived with my parents. And you shouldn't ask me that question every year over and over again!"

"Peter! Get-", Mr. Harrington got interrupted by someone opening the door.

A man with a unique beard and a million dollar suit stepped through the door.

"Mr. Stark!", Peter shouted and got up from his seat, "What are you doing here? Is May okay?"

"May is fine. I'm here for you."

"For me?!"

"Excuse me, Mr. Stark.", Mr. Harrington interrupted, "What are you doing here? Not that we weren't pleased with your presence but I'm still wondering."

"Is he always such an ass-kisser?", Mr. Stark whispered into Peters ear.

"I wish.", Peter whispered back.

"I'm here to support Peter.", Mr. Stark eventually answered and put his hand on the teenagers shoulder.

"Peter? How do you even know him?", he asked.

Mr. Stark turned to Peter.
"You didn't tell him?"

"Of course I did but nobody believed me.", Peter explained.

"Peter is my personal intern.", Mr. Stark clarified.

Mr. Harringtons chin touched the floor again.
"And why are you here now, again?"

"Like I said, I'm here to support my kid."

In the end it was the best day in Peters entire life. When it was Mr. Starks turn to explain his job he just said 'You know who I am' and sat back down. But nonetheless he got the most applause. After the school day was over Mr. Stark invited him over for dinner with the avengers and Peter had barely been seen so happy.

Okay, this was it. I hope you likeed it.

Bye bye😊👋🏻🍀

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2024 ⏰

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