Chapter 2: Summer

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Katherine woke up while I was showering. When I got out, she was sitting on a stool at the small granite island in the kitchen scrolling through Instagram.

"So... I was thinking," she said putting her phone down, "what if we invited Jordan to the party tonight at Gabbi's? He just moved back into town, and, from what I hear, he doesn't have many friends since he got out of jail."

"Uh, yeah, that's fine, but he's not like an ax murderer, right?"

We both laughed but I cautiously waited for a response.

"I really don't know what he did, I just know it wasn't good."

I began whipping up the pancakes and scrambling the eggs. The aroma of the batter cooking was enough to wake Mia up. She shuffled her way into the kitchen and flopped down on the stool beside Katherine.

"What are you guys taking tonight to the party?" I asked.

It took them several seconds to respond, mostly because Mia was still half asleep and Katherine was trying to put her hair into a ponytail. 

Mia stirred, "I think I'm just gonna give Gabbi some money for the pizza so I don't have to take anything. Kat?"

"I don't know man; I think I may just take some cookies or mini brownies from the store." "That sounds good."

I figured we would need drinks so I volunteered to pick up several two liters on my way to Gabbi's.

"Indie," Katherine said with a mouth full of eggs, "get Jordan's number from your dad so we can invite him to the party."

I texted my dad for his number and the three of us waited anxiously for a response as I flipped the last blueberry pancake. My dad finally replied and the three of us played rock, paper, scissors for who would be the one to text Jordan. Katherine lost.

Katherine: Hey, this is Katherine from small group. We're having a pool party tonight and we'd love to have you.

"Too formal?" Kat asked before she sent the message.

"Nah, send it," I answered.

"SEND IT!" Mia yelled. Her screech was loud enough to wake up Miles.

We listened as he opened the bedroom door and lumbered down the hall to the bathroom.

 "Listen," I whispered. "don't tell Miles we invited him. I don't want him to get his hopes up and then this dude not show up." 

The three of us agreed we wouldn't say a word but if Kat got a response from Jordan, she was supposed to send it to our group message.

~ ~ ~

I was trying to change out of my pajamas when my phone rang.


"Hey, pal! What are you doing right now?" Gabbi sounded out of breath.

"Nothing, just trying to get ready, everyone just left here. What are you doing?"

"I feel like I'm running around like a crazo for this party. If you're free, could you come help me set everything up?"

"Of course! I'll be over there in an hour or so, is that okay?"

"That sounds great! Thanks, pal!"

I eventually found my swimsuit in the unpacked mess that was scattered around my room. I found some black shorts and an oversized lavender t-shirt and put it on over my bathing suit. I quickly threw my long hair into a messy bun and slid into my Chaco sandals. I turned to look back at my disaster of a room but chose to ignore the chaos. I hurried to the store to grab the sodas, then I all but flew to Gabbi's house.

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