5. party

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"Young Master its time to wake up." I stood to the side of the bed next to mr Morinozuka. The young master sat up slowly he looked annoyed.
He saw his father and rose to his feet standing before his father.

"Takashi, your brother and I are leaving to America for a tournament and a business weiger. You will remain here alone and continue your studies. We will be gone for a year. I expect to come back to good grades from you or next year you will come with us. Understood?"

Mori nods his head and his father begins to leave but he stopped before he left.

"Arent you leaving? Takashi is 17 he can dress himself." He told me harshly. He's scary.

"I'm going to make the bed whilst he has a shower. Unless you'd want me to do something else sir" I told him as I bowed in respect.

"You are my sons personal butler do whatever he wants. Untill I come back. Hear me now boy one slip up and you WILL be fired. Goodbye takashi" he left the room and I sunk down to the floor. That man terrifies me.

I heard mori's footsteps come closer. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry master." I got up but didnt look at him "I best continue my job before your dad fires me that is."

He tried to grabb me again but I  dodged his hand and shook my head. I then walked straight out the room and ran to the kitchen to tell miu everything. She was making mori's food and threw in a few bits for me too.

I served up mori's food. He tried to have me sit with him again but I once again went back to the kitchen. I don't have classes till after break and so I can stay here and clean up for a good few hours.

"Hey yama?" I turned to miu "look what I got" she pulled out a dark blue suit. "Its for that party with the host club today we've all planned it out the party ends at 8 so toma is gonna pick you up at 7:40 so you'll still be here to get mori sorted for the night." She seems so happy!

I went to the bathroom and changed into it.
I look gooooood. Like really good its been so long since I've worn a boys outfit I dont have to work in.

Oh yea the party's got a whole dancing thing. I mean mori's at school and no-one else is here so it shouldn't be a problem if I use the ballroom right?

I walk to the ballroom and turn on some classical waltz music. Okay so I've seen it a few times so let's just do what they did.

One step, two step, pretend to have a hand on a waist and shoulder, step three, step four, turn and step -WOAH!

I tripped over my foot and fell to the ground. Oh god. I suck at this.

A hand reaches out to me.

I look up to see the one and only Takashi Morinozuka in his usual uniform and an obvious smile on his face. As if he were holding back a laugh he pressed his lips into a line.

"M...master!" I stuttered out as I quickly got to my feet "you should be at school!"

"Free lesson" he told me as he grabbed me by my waist and held my hand in his. He played the music again.

We moved swiftly and smoothly with the music. It was as if time had slowed. It was just me and him alone dancing the waltz.
Unfortunately though it had to end. The music finished.

"YAMA!! TOMA JUST SAID HE DROPPED OFF MASTER YOU GOTTA CHANGE QUICK! Oh" she saw the two of us holding eachother. "Nevermind i think you found that out." She said as she giggled running off. Pretty sure she misread the situation.

"that wasn't professional im sorry, ill be on my way master I must do the laundry."


"Hey if your getting fancy tuna can I have some strawberries?" I asked kyoya as he ordered haruhis seafood.

"I've looked at your records tsukiyama koshu and yet it has no information on you other than where you live. Why is that?" He asked

"I'm gonna go dance now." I walked on to the dance floor. My black daps tapped on the floor as i walked. I am Wearing a long flowy red dress with a black bow on the chest. That way no one can realise I dont have a chest.

I walked on over to haruhi, she hugged me and pet my head, the girls all cheered and awed at us. Why do they keep doing that?

"Hey haruhi will you dance with me?" Miss kasu asked her. She nodded and they made there way out to the middle of the floor ready to dance but just as they ment to dance haduhi was grabbed and dragged away by mori and honey.

"Kidnapped??" Kasu rhetoricaly questioned.

"Not quite"


I was hanging out at the food bar watching it all go down. The window is at an angle so I can see through the window of the next building. I could see haruhi and the tea set guy talking in the window.

"What are you watching suki-san?" Honey enquired as he watched the scene with me. Just then miss kasuya opened the door and saw the two of them. She ran away crying. "Poor kasu-chan"

"Nah nah just you wait honey there in love, it'll work out." I told him. I poked his nose and said a quick 'boop'

"Suki? Are you in love?" He asked grabbing a slice of cake.

"I dont think so, I may have a slight 'thing' but its definitely not an i love him kinda thing y'know"

"Him? Your gay?" I chocked on my drink and coughed

"What the fuck honey. How di-"


We all gathered on the balcony to hear what tamaki had to say and find out who the Queen of the ball is. Of course it was miss kasuya it worked with his plan. What wasn't apart of his plan was haruhi filling in for the kiss. Or the twin's banna peel. Or me telling them it WAS haruhi's first ever kiss.

I watched and laughed at the scene before me. I was stood next to honey senpai who was holding onto the balcony railings, and mori sdnpai who was looking at either me or honey the entire time.

The guests all went home and it was just us hosts left. I still have a good 15 mins before I have to leave. I wanna know how honey found out but he seems to be having such a good time that I just couldn't bring myself to ask him. Maybe ill do it some other time.


I stood at the door of the mansion ,in my butler outfit, freezing to death as I waited on mori to return home.

"I'm home" I heard a low voice whisper as a sence of warmth engulfed me.

Mori was hugging me, his body was so warm. I wanted to hug back too but I just couldn't, im his servant I musnt be unprofessional.

"Master lets get you settled for the night shall we?" He nodded and walked in. I trailed behind him slowly untill we got to his room. He took off his trousers, blazer and shirt and just climbed right in.

I looked away as he changed as I could feel my face heat up. Oh my god.
I quickly picked up his clothes as fast as I possibly could and went to leave the room. Not before letting out a simple "you look handsome tonight master"

I then proceeded to speed out of that mother fucker

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