11. satoshi's proposition

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This takes place during the episode where they help the kid with piano lessons to impress his girlfriend and tell her he loves her

"Master wake up you've got school" I shook him awake as I do everymorning.
He got up and hugged my waist. No no. I pushed him back but he wouldn't let go.

"Master your brothers outside" I whisper sharply. He opens his eyes as wide as he could. And shot up out of bed. I pulled him back. "No. Dumbass he wants it to be a surprise" i rolled my eyes at him and he nodded sitting back down on the bed.

"Dad?" He asked as he layed back down.

"Yes i would definitely call you a bumbass if your dad was here" i said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and I left to get his brother. "Pretend to be asleep."

"Is he awake????" Satoshi Morinozuka asked excitedly. I shook my head no and he jumped up and down "Yay! Yama let's go" he grabbed my hand and just like his brother does satoshi dragged me to mori's room. He had me stand by the bed and wake up mori. So I shook him awake.

"Master its time to wake up" I said for the second time this morning. Mori sat up slowly and satoshi jumped on him screaming 'SURPRISE!!' It actually made me jump a little.

"Masters breakfast will be done before long." I bowed and left the room.


The brothers sat at the table talking and waiting for there food. I was sat on one of the kitchen sides talking to miu.

"Soooo how are you going to spend your school brake thats coming up?" Ahe asked me while buttering some toast and passing it to me.

"Mm" I ate the toast and thought "I dont know ill probably put in more hours here and just continue do what I do." She shook her head and cooked the bacon.

"You need to get out more" the strictness in her voice and the spatula pointed at me made me listen closely to her words. "You spend all your time at school or here cleaning. You need to go out more. We don't care what we gotta do to make it happen." I looked around to see the other servants nodding along.

"I just feel bad cause your all here working and its like im slacking off"

"Young man you've worked here since you were 14. You've put in enough time and effort to get a break. And besides thing seem to be going well with the young master". She winked.

"Your only 4 years older than me! I'm not that young!" I exclaimed taking the food out to the masters.

Once I'd walked into the room I found takashi and satoshi sitting quietly in their seats.
Satoshi had his legs crossed on the seat and his hands holding the chair. He was rocking slightly back and forth.
Takashi just sat still watching his brothers giddiness.

"Breakfast master." I said as I placed the food down infront of them. "Permitting to speake freely master?" Mori nodded looking up at me from the seat. "My sister isn't feeling all too well today so she asked if you could get someone to write her notes for her and have her excused from todays club activities." I bowed "sorry for the request. If not then thats fine. Excuse me master"

"Wait" mori stopped me and stuck his hand on my head. He put his other hand to his own head. He's checking my temperature.

"Oh no master im fine. Im all well to spend the day looking after the younger master. Its just my sister." He nodded and continued eating his breakfast.

My day was spent cleaning the house. Tending to master satoshi's needs and shopping.
I had just finished cleaning mori's room when master satoshi found me.

"HEY! TSUKIYAMA!!" I spun to face him and he dragged me all the way downstairs. "Tell me everything!"

"I'm sorry? I'm not sure what you want me to talk about" He ran out the room and returned with a shit ton of snacks "do the kitchen staff know you took those?"

"The maid mui gave me them. ANYWAY!! Tell me how long you've been dating my brother!!"

"WHAT?!?!" my face grew red and I shook my hands all over the place before crossing my arms into an x "ME AND YOUR BROTHER ARE NOT DATING!" I told him. "THAT WOULD BE HIGHLY UNPROFESSIONAL AND I WOULD LOOSE MY JOB!"

"Right okay" he opened a packet of seaweed sticks "but what if you weren't working here? Would you still pursue my brother?"

"Well first off" I sat back down and crossed my legs "I only have this job because of the people if I was still able to talk to toma, mui and the others who work here then I would've quit ages ago. But its also about you and your brother."

"Mhmmm your undying love for my brother" I blushed like mad. "Go on"

"Youve got it wrong! I care for you like your my own brother. And besides your brother and my relationship status is purely professional master, servant. I've never taken advantage of my position to do anything. SECONDLY I've gotten mixed up in so many lies and secrets that if I got fired, I'd never see mori as me. I think if he knew anything then he'd hate me"

"So if I were to fire you, you dont think mori would be sad about it?"

"I dont even think he'd notice i was gone." I chuckled and thought to myself. He wouldn't would he. Im just his servant. Why would he care. We have kissed a bit. But that was probably just a joke or somin.

"So let's do it! You don't come into work untill your school break is over and we'll see what happens! It'll be fun! And thats when I go back to dad anyway so it works out."

"I mean we could but that'd be unfair to the other workers dontcha think? And i still have awhile till then."

"Were fine with it." Mui's voice rang out throught the room a tray of tea. "We were all talking about it anyway we think that if you keep working so hard then you'll overwork yourself. This isn't a permanent thing either you can come back. Just be a teenager live your life."

"I'll think about it. I have to greet master. Excuse me" I left the room and then the house. I just sat on the steps waiting for the car to pull up.

Maybe it is for the best. I just don't know anymore. If the school finds out my secret that I have a job. I'll loose my education.
If everyone in the school finds out my other secret that I'm not a girl then they'll all hate me and think of me as some pervert who cross dresses.
If they also find out my secret of being mori's personal servant then there gonna think mori's so spoiled he's bringing his help everywhere he goes. That'll make people hate him.
If the Morinozuka family know that ive secretly been going to school and not tending to the house the whole time then ill get fired.

Not to mention one of my biggest secrets. What if they find out I like takashi?

Its all too much. I just wish I didn't need to do any of this. I wish mori and I had met under better circumstances. I wish that I wasn't so stupid to get into this mess.
I wish I never needed a job to fund myself

Most of all I wish that SHE would come back for me.

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