15. the zuka club

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i woke up to the warmth of mori as his arms were wrapped around me hugging me closely his head on top of mine and our legs entangled. It would be really romantic if honey senpai wasn't sprawled out on top of us both. 
mori smells really nice, i know that might seem weird but i swear its not! he smells like cinnamon. i was not entirely a big fan of cinnamon before but now I think I'm addicted. 

"morning." takashi said as he pulled me closer. his morning voice was deep and raspy. he pulled me in closer, his grip tightening. i smiled and cuddled in. 

"morning" oh wow its so weird me saying that in the same bed as him rather than being on the side and shaking him awake. i giggled at this thought and i suppose he heard me because he lessened his grip and pulled my head up by my chin to face him. he smiled and hummed,

"what are you giggling over?" he asked. i smiled and kissed his hand quickly. 

"first time I've said morning and didn't follow it up with master" i giggled again. he smirked and nodded. he moved his face closer and kissed me. his hands reached up and cupped my face and brought me impossibly closer. 

"no one said you had to stop." he whispered to me after pulling away for a few seconds only to then return back a moment later. he tasted sweet, i wanted nothing more than to make out with him but i felt the lump above us move. i pushed mori back and jumped out the bed quickly as honey woke up. 

"morning!!" honey cheered. i looked over and saw mori's annoyed face. i couldnt help but laugh.


its been awhile since the hosts found out about my gender but i still didn't want the other students to think badly of me so i continued to live out my school life as a girl. today was like an open day for other schools to join ours and see how we conduct ourselves. i thought it was a cool idea! 

haruhi went out half an hour ago to grab some stuff from the shops. i was gonna go with her but umehito's club was gonna have a few visitors from other schools today so i lent a hand to him instead. haru said it was okay. i took this time to tell ume everything that's happened recently. he and i spoke a bunch and set up the room. ume was super appreciate! he gave me a crystal as a thank you, apparently i have to charge it in the light of the full moon or somin. 

i walked into the host club to see haruhi at the door with three women, the middle women had a grip on haruhi's waist and chin. i laughed at this and accidentally drew there attention. the women that previously held onto haruhi had graciously glided over to me and took my hand she twirled me back to her other friends, she fell to one knee and kissed my hand.

"another swan stolen by the thievish devil men, my darling with beauty that could blind any shadows. this shallow club is no place for a woman such as you"

sorry to disappoint love but I've got a cock.

i looked over to the group for some help but the guys were too busy cracking up over the whole situation. the girl introduced herself as benebara. she then introduced the other members of her club.  Chizuru "Suzuran" Maihara. and Hinako "Hinagiku" Tsuwabuki.
they gave this really out there performed introduction. their names the zuka club. I'm not the only one that finds that name ridiculously funny right??

i couldn't help but to giggle at the name. which caused chizuru to walk over to me. she observed me closely before dragging my into a hug. um hello? we've just met. 

"your soooo cute!!" she squealed out as she swung us from side to side. "oh little dove please stay with me!!" she continued as she pulled away with a confused look. she put her hand in my pocket and grabbed the crystal ume gave me, "BENI!! look! she's got a crystal!! its an aventurine!!" chizuru and beni both stard at my crystal a whole bunch while renge informed everyone of the zuka clubs background.

can you just give my pretty rock back please. i really like it. 

rather than give it back the three girls all began to say some cheesy stuff and act all 'cool' somehow ending up at a whole lesbian section of there weird club. HEY! we have gays too! look at me and koaru were gay and mori's gotta be into guys too! either that or i turn him on. by the time they finished there speech they looked up to see how disinterested all the guys were. 

the twins were playing a video game, honey was watching them, mori and i were playing with the fake swords and kyoya was reading a book. i got disinterested a while ago and picked up a sword and pointed it at mori. he'd smiled and we pretended to fence. 

"im surprised you boys have nothing to say about our supreme female love"  Hinako commented underneath benibara's arm. 

the guys all ignored her and continued on. im not entirely sure what happened next the girls were speaking some bullshit. then suddenly haruhi is kobedoned to the door by beni and ive got chizuru's arms wrapped around my waist with her head on my shoulder. 


i zoned out for a bit and felt myself get sleepy. so i layed my head back onto chizu's shoulder and fell asleep in her hold on me. it wasnt all that bad, she smelled like soap and perfume which was annoying but i was too tired to care, i just zoned everything out, stood there a bit before i felt myself relax and fall asleep. 


i felt that same warmth from mori again. but last i checked i fell asleep on that one chick so how come i feel this? it must be mori! the smell of cinnamon filled my senses. i stirred in my place and heard a low grunt from beneath me. its definitely mori. 

i sat up and opened my eyes. i looked down to see myself sat straddling mori as he laid on the bed. i could feel his arms around me. i looked around to realise i was not in the host club... the surroundings are very familiar, the same room ive gone too almost every morning for 2 and a half years. taashi morinozuka's bedroom. and here i am straddling him on his own bed. oh god. 

i began to move away when mori's grip tightened and his eyes opened. he looked at e and a smile grew on his face, i guess he likes waking up to me. 

"morning" he said in his morning voice "your phones been going off" he told me as he pointed to the bedside table, i nodded and reached over for it, not moving from my position. 

i unlocked my phone and saw a string of texts from sawada asking me out on a date this Saturday to an ice cream parlour, he said he'd buy me anything i wanted. he even made a comment about buying the whole store if i couldn't decide on a specific flavour. i smiled at this and tried to get off of mori. who pushed me back down by my hips. i yelped at this action and looked at mori. i couldn't quite read his expression. anger? jealousy? confusion? who knows!

"sawada asked me on a date!" i informed im showing him my phone. he took my phone and flipped us so he was on top. he clicked the call button on my phone and lowered himself down my my neck. what is he?

"hello?" sawada's voice rang out, he called sawada??

"NO!" mori told him in a stern voice. he then attacked that one spot on my neck which always gave out a noise. he hung up the phone and abused my neck. i covered my mouth knowing that the other maids and servants would hear if i didn't

"master" i whimpered out as i tried my absolute hardest not to make a no homo joke right now. "what hapened with the zuka club?" i asked him as he kissed up my neck to my jaw. 

"there trying to transfer you and haruhi" THERE FUCKING WHAT?? i shot up and asked about a million questions at once. he chuckled and told mw about haruhi thinking about it. and then went into tamaki's plan. "chizuru really wants you at lobellia academy." he told me with a smirk

"what but i've got a nob that wont work out." he laughed with me at my own joke.

we spent the rest of our night chilling out on his bed watching tv. i tried to go down and get some snacks but he kept asking the savants to do it, it made me feel obnoxious. 


the plan worked to make everyone look stupid but not to get haruhi's mind off of joining lobelia. because it turns out her mind was never even there.

chizuru gave me back my crystal and tried to kiss my cheek goodbye but mori stuck his hand in the way to stop her touching me. 

why do i feel like this isnt the last we're gonna hear from the zuka club?

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