19. the refresher contest.

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I needed a break! I went to my aunts during the school break and we worked out the fine details. she's been trying pretty hard for me to forgive her for totally and absolutely abandoning me. She's been teaching me all these rules and how to properly conduct myself. I need a break from my break! So I got the okay to leave for a week. Just to go help haruhi at a friend of her dad's inn. Id planned to go anyway so my aunty let me.

Its still so weird to me to accept that I actually have family that isn't the fujiokas or the host club. Its all so new. I get she was there before but she left and id forgotten what it was like.

ANYWAY!! Haru and I were chatting as we were putting the washing out on the line,

"Hey! You were the one that pushed me!!" I defended myself as I laughed

"What no! You wanted to swim! I was just helping" she laughed loudly wiping the tear from her eye.

"Not in the river!"

An obnoxious, loud voice could be heard yelling to us. We could hear it even over the loud helicopter the prick flew In on.

If you haven't already guessed it, the host club found us. Just like they always do.

"You deal with them i'm on room service ill see you in a bit" i blew her a kiss and made my way to the inn. Today I'm wearing genes and a vest top with a jacket around my waist, no one here knows about me dressing up as a girl so I don't need to do it.

I went room to room making beds cleaning sides and hoovering floors, it took a good 3 hours.

Finally I finished my 1st shift and went to take a break. Only to see mori outside shirtless cutting wood.

"Thats hot n all but why Is he working?" I asked aloud. Another waitress came by with a tray with some cold water on it.

"All of the rich handsome boys that came by are doing a refresher contest to get the last room at the Inn." She told me before walking away with the water. She was heading mori's way.
I followed after the girl.

"Um excuse me sir but um I brought some water for you." Mori nodded and took the glass, chugged it down and put it back on the tray. "Um im sorry but are you single by any chance?" She asked excitedly

"No" he responded flatly.


The girl went running back inside all embarrassed. I went over to mori and sat him down on the wood stump he was cutting wood at previously. I held him there by his shoulders. He looked up at me confused but accepted it.

"I'm sorry your not single?? Is it that one girl from when honey had that toothache. I don't mind if it is I mean who am I to say anything i'm not your boyfriend. I have no say in who you date but you not telling me is kinda douche-ie I mean I thought that we were kinda making our way to the whole 'will they won't they' stage but its fine if you have a girlfriend it'll take awhile but i'll get over it eventual-" I was cut off by takashi pulling me to him by my waist. He stuck a finger to my lips to shush me.

"Go on a date with me. Tomorrow." Hu?

"Not if you have a girlfriend! I'm not a home wrecker!" I huffed out as I crossed my arms. Mori stood up and held me in my place by my waist.

"I don't have a girlfriend, and I don't want one. I want you to go on a date with me tomorrow. I'll come grab you at 9am okay?"

"Okay." I nodded and the sound of the grand piano from the inn could be heard.

A sweet melody flowing through the air mori smiled and tightened his grip. He moved to the right and swayed to the left. I nuzzled into his chest and we swayed to the music holding each other close. we danced to the music together. it was sweet and fun. i loved it so much. 


"okay im heading off in 20 minuets how do i look?" i asked showing my genes and striped top to my audience, which consists of haruhi and the twins. they shook there heads violently. "what? why? its my nicest boyish outfit!" 

"you are a fashion emergency." rude. you could've been nicer kaoru. 

"I'm going to our room and I'm going to get you some clothes for you to wear okay." i nodded and hikaru left to his room. i sat and spoke with haru and kaoru.

"OH! i wanna know if you guys had to date someone in the host club who would you date?"

"well we know you'd pick mori" kaoru joked poking my cheek. "i would sayyyyyy kyouya. just cause he's got his life together so he can help me with that, and i can upgrade his wardrobe. not to mention he's a little good looking." i mhmm'ed and pointed to haruhi signalling it was her turn. 

"don't let your 'date' with kaoru tomorrow sway your judgement" i joked with her. kao jabbed my side with his elbow. 

"tamaki" she said flat out without thinking. we all burst out laughing "what?! he might be a bit egotistical but he's sweet and caring."

"IM BACK BITCHES, BROS AND NON BINARY HOES!! hikaru yelled as he entered the room he threw an outfit at me, it hit my face. "go put that on shawty!" i ran to the bathroom and put the outfit on. 

i stepped out and was greeted with a round of applause. they all told me how great i looked and told me about how takashi is a very lucky man. 

"okay im going now. you guys have fun today! and under no circumstances are you to ruin my date." 

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